← Return to Anti-Inflammatory Supplements after Joint Replacement

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Thank you for your above words of wisdom and I hope your daughter continues to recover well.
Your post is I nteresting as I had TKR Feb 16 and have been on 600 mg of ibuprofen 2-3 times a day, 1000 acetaminophen 2-3 times a day and 5 mg of Oxy 3 times a day. The latter is late afternoon, evening and overnight. Days are still painful and today I pulled out my 1% voltaren gel I have for my feet. I am surprised that the OTC pills don’t touch the pain and all I’m doing is aggravating my gut. Any thoughts so appreciated.

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Replies to "Thank you for your above words of wisdom and I hope your daughter continues to recover..."

First - let me remind you that you are VERY early in the healing process. TKR is major surgery and full recovery is a marathon, not a sprint.

May I ask how often you are using ice on your knee and other nearby pain?
Ice reduces swelling, numbs jittery tissue, and calms healing nerves. At 5 weeks post hip replacement, I was using ice for 20-30 minutes at least 3-4 times a day plus for hours overnight. Do you have a cryocuff or similar device from surgery?

Also, a lot of the pain at this stage, especially burning and tingling, is the nerves beginning to heal. Pain relievers generally do not help that. Ice, massage, movement and sometimes a med like gabapentin can help.

What therapy are,you doing for you knee?