← Return to Exacerbated anxiety and depression, brain fog: Long Covid

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I’ve had long covid since July 2022, but it wasn’t until I saw a second rheumatologist in Jan. 2023 that all of my horrible symptoms finally got diagnosed as long covid. So my advice is to see a rheumatologist — they are really the only doctors that are good problem solvers anyways so it makes sense.
I definitely believe your issues could be long covid related. My son has suffered from anxiety and depression off and on for several years. He got covid on the exact same day as me, but our early and long haul symptoms have been wildly different — for me, it attacked my knees and gave me widespread pain that has lasted for months, for him his very first symptoms were severe anxiety and panic attacks that were way above normal and seemingly out of nowhere at the time, and his depression and anxiety have been especially bad ever since.
My personal theory is that covid attacks people wherever they’re weakest and/or makes existing problems 10x worse.
What’s helped me most is adopting a low histamine diet (absolutely no sugar, gluten, dairy (except goat cheese), caffeine, or alcohol. I wish my son would try it as well but he won’t (he’s 22 so there’s only so much I can do).
I will warn you that my family learned the hard way that Effexor is notorious for being really horrible to come off of if/when you do… My son took a low dosage of that one for just a few months when he was first diagnosed with depression several years ago, and when we tapered him off of it, he had horrible episodes of severe vertigo and hallucinations. You must taper off of that one very slowly and incrementally, like actually cutting the little tablets into fourths and spreading the taper out over a couple weeks at least—just so you know.

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Replies to "I’ve had long covid since July 2022, but it wasn’t until I saw a second rheumatologist..."

I agree that eliminating gluten, sugar, white rice and flours have helped with the everyday bloating I was dealing with. Unfortunately I’ve only lost about 3 pounds over 3 weeks.

It seems as though the SNRIs are hard to come off of. I mentioned my experience with Cymbalta and it might be true that I'm still dealing with the effects of discontinuation syndrome. I did start Effexor which is in same class but who knows. I'm trying not to wrack my brain to figure everything out but my head just spins when I'm not feeling ok, which probably makes things worse, and round and round it goes.

Thank you for writing this. You have no idea how much of all these symptoms ive had. Depression and anxiety and panic attacks on the daily. I was a very active person before and now i need to remind myself im not crazy and that its not all in my.head because everyone around me except.my girlfriend say im fine to get over it already.