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Thanks for sharing your story, you have a great attitude! One more question, after having a bronchoscopy in June 22 why did they feel the need to do the robotic guided biopsy in August 22?

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I know right! I’m such a great guinea pig. I actually had one in March too. I stopped breathing twice so they scrapped that one. The reason for the third one was because I had a 7mm nodule, and lung cancer runs in my nonsmoking family. They wanted to biopsy it to see exactly what was cooking. Plus, I had so much more stuff in my right and left lungs that was concerning. I also have a rare azygos ( sp) fissure which is a wonderful teaching moment thing. Lol. I am not a spitting kind of gal so sputum production is a waste of time for anyone trying to get that from me. They have decided not to do bronchoscopy procedures on me for a long time and just do the Vfend medication and CT scans. As far as my attitude I am positive most of the time. It takes as much effort to be positive as it does to be negative. Admittedly I have had a few pity parties! Crying wears me out and gives me a headache so I try not to do that too often. I figure the good God’s got this so I try not to worry. My kids and grandbabies hover way too much, but they keep me putting one foot in front of the other.