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Hello sbhr, I was diagnosed with PMR 18 months ago and have tapered down to 2mg Prednisone. I have found that a very slow taper works for me, 1/2 mg at a time. I still have some stiffness in the mornings, but no pain. I'm hoping that my adrenals have become more responsible and are doing their job! My inflammation markers are all improving too. I was seeing a rheumatologist but my insurance company has just informed me that he is no longer in my network. Luckily, my GP is working with me on my tapering schedule and will order blood tests every three months to monitor my progress. I'm also fortunate that at 76 I have no underlying conditions to complicate things. I'm wondering what time of day you take your Prednisone. I have always taken it as early in the morning as possible and find that within a couple of hours the stiffness abates. I agree PMR isn't fun, but you could be dealing with much worse things. At least we have the possibility of remission. Good luck.

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Replies to "Hello sbhr, I was diagnosed with PMR 18 months ago and have tapered down to 2mg..."

Thanks Annette. At 68, this was not something I had on my bucket list! 🙂 I'm curious to know if you had pain early on in your treatment. At 10mg, I am functioning but still experience a fair amount of pain. I take my medication late at night and that seems to lesson the morning pain and stiffness. I have neck, arms and leg pain. Each area of pain seem to take turns at being the "line leader" for the day.

I am, indeed, grateful to not be dealing with other worse conditions. This, however, has hit me like a truck and am bummed at how long it apparently hangs around. I will get through it, though. Thanks for your response.

I’m similar to you, age 76, current bout of PMR 3 years, currently on 2 mg of prednisone. I had a setback in December with sharp pains in jaw and eye. Long story, but I had biopsy to see if it was GCA. No giant cells and eventually improved. My rheumatologist and I think it may have been a reaction to a bad cold 3 weeks earlier (tested negative for Covid, but who knows). I take the prednisone with my evening meal, get a little stiff late afternoon. I’m a morning person, so want to feel good in morning. Very slow taper and don’t worry too much about 2 milligrams.

I take my Prednisone at 10.00 at night.
Am on 4mgs tried reducing to 3.5 ,had to go back to 4mgs.
Will try reducing in a few weeks,have had this for two years.