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Don't know what to do

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Mar 26, 2023 | Replies (27)

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Great question: "How old is old"? I just recently turned 70 and, while I'm doing okay, I'm on a ton of meds for depression, seizure disorder (under control), and a bunch of other stuff. Thank heaven for Medicare and my Medicare Advantage plan!!! The problem is, since I turned 70, I "feel" old, and have been somewhat depressed because of it. I know age is just a number, but mine is stuck in my head right now. However, my dad is turning 93!!! in April, and he is still living independently by himself in his beautiful villa in Florida. His life revolves around the country club and his girlfriend, believe it or not. So I don't know why I'm feeling depressed. They say (whoever "they" are) that 70 is the new 50 - so why do I feel so old and somewhat helpless? Anyone else affected by the "age number"?

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Replies to "Great question: "How old is old"? I just recently turned 70 and, while I'm doing okay,..."

You are right. Exactly how old is old? I had a complete hip replacement in December 2021. I was 87 years old then. I expressed my fears to the doctor that I was too old to go through this surgery. He assured me I was not and said that just last week he had done this surgery on a man who was in his 90's. So more than a year has passed and I am now 88 years old. Living independently. Able to drive myself anywhere - even on freeways - and hopefully will be able to continue to do so until the end.

Agree completely with the age thing ! I am turning 60 this year and I'm scared. I remember when I was young and when my mom and dad were 60 I thought wow, they are so old! I know now things have changed, and "they" say, 60's the new 50's but I think it is how you are actually FEELING. I know people in their 70's who act and feel and think as if they were 40! But they don't suffer from depression like I am many other's do. I think depression is a big thing, family history, etc. For many, age means nothing but for others, especially clinically depressed individuals, feel aging is just one more thing to be depressed about and it is true, sad feelings. I find that most med for depression don't work that well and come with many unwanted side effects. Having said that, I did try to wean myself off them a few months ago, and it reminded me why I was on them in the first place. They do help, somewhat. Still, I like you, feel the same about getting up there. Maybe it's just a mindset, genetics, atmosphere, COVID, etc. My Mom was almost 90 when she passed and your Dad will be 93! Wow! And he's happy and livin the life! Good for him! You are feeling depressed because you have depression! Just do the best you can, follow your medical routine and maybe try to look at the good things you have? A nice friend, relative, pet, neighbour..... If I just turn on the news, I feel grateful for what I have, albeit short lived, I have to keep reminding myself 🙂

I turned 70 in January and I hear "I'm 70" just about every hour of the day. I'm also on more meds than I like and I can live with that but I am sure not crazy about the hangy dangy skin, sun damage left over from my youth, the way that I look in the mirror is depressing but what it HAS done is spurred me into making the best of my choices no matter what anyone thinks since I am so aware of the shortened time left. I have a 51 year old daughter and so I know that 70 is different and not the new 50 - she lives in a different state, my other 2 children have died, my parents are gone now, for whatever reason my sister has sort of disconnected mostly which is very confusing to me (she is 20 mo younger, now 68 and is the type to never show any downside to anything - I have no idea what is going on with her - she pulled back after Mom died in 2018), I had 2 long marriages and now am into my 3rd which is pretty great (the last died after 20 years, the first recently died - we were married for 17 years and he is the father of my children). I moved to marry this man since I had nothing left to lose; my personal belongings literally went up in flames when my condo that I kept in my home state burned completely - I kept it so that I could check in on my mother frequently. I am not wanting more stuff. I want to be happy again which I am finding challenging. Being 70 and "hearing" about it constantly doesn't help at all.