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Help with pain after 3 months of TKR

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Aug 16, 2023 | Replies (118)

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I did not need a referral for second opinion for my tkr…. I had tkr august of 21 never was able to get bend always had pain dr did not listen…. He did do manipulation at 6 weeks never did anything but cause more pain ….. I got second opinion about 6-7 months my pt was telling me something wrong and it was his pt team ….needless to say I had revision done June 22 just shy of year my knee was 2-3 sizes too big but was within original dr legal right to do so ….he can wright it off do to arthritis or whatever reason he chooses … I call it bad choices …. But new dr robotic surgery went awesome great bent like 110-115 some pain free days I still get sore at times but to be expected…..to all you who still dealing with it few months out get second opinion does not hurt … my new dr knew from X-ray was too big …. Was not looking forward to another surgery but so grateful I did …. Was totally different than first …. Pain from time I awoke was less go figure what right size can do ….don’t give up it does get better we just have to be persistent….

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Replies to "I did not need a referral for second opinion for my tkr…. I had tkr august..."

I truly appreciate your comment and encouragement and I’m not looking forward to another surgery at all. My knee is a normal size, as a matter of fact the same size as the other one. But what I can’t understand is it’s usually worse when I’ve fallen asleep at night only to awake with pain because I’ve stayed in one position all night because with sleep apnea which I have that happens. I wake to like I need to oil my knee and leg joint. I ask Orthopedic Dr, Primary Doctor and he asks as though he cares about them more than me. So I’m going to tell him either he work on my behalf or I’ll have to find another PCP. I don’t know what happened to listen to your patient. It’s as though everywhere I go for treatment my PCP calls me and asks me why I’m there and the Orthopedic doctor seemly get wind of it too and it’s like they get hush money cause they disappear and don’t come back in but send the nurse with discharge papers. All I’m looking for is I made a mistake and let me straighten it out apologize because we’re human. I understand where you’re coming from and that is wrong cause that’s what they’re doing to me. I said they’re railroading me or throwing me out to the dogs for me to fend for my self because that’s exactly what I have been doing. I found out I had hematoma through urgent care Dr and I was the one had to call my cardiologist to tell him about and see what to do about my blood thinners and he said get off it when my orthopedic Dr should have been taken me off and done test he would seen I had problems. Instead he discharges me without a pain regimen in place. I’m happy you’re doing better

How did they determine yours was too big?
Glad you’re better!