I have a Samsung S21 and yes, there are many app’s available. I use Innocaption+ for phone calls. Once you register they assign a special number but you don’t have to give that number to anyone. Look up the directions from your carrier to have your cell phone number automatically transferred to the Innocaption + number. When you get a call on your cell and pick up you get captions of the conversation which you can keep for as long as you want. You also have the option to both hear and read simultaneously what the speaker is saying. All voicemail is captioned. Instructions are easy and Innocaption’s customer service is outstanding. I use it constantly. There is no delay and no need to inform the other person you are reading their words…also very accurate. Score that I had the visual voicemail from my carrier which I no longer need. I also have this installed on my desktop computer and IPad in case my phone ever got lost.
I also use Live Transcribe app available only on Androids for everyday face to face conversations. Some people have trouble with this…not that accurate but a great help and it keeps conversations for 3 days.
The best speech to text app is Otter, which I have and use occasionally. I use the free version which has limited minutes. There is a paid version. It was originally set up for business meetings.
Go to your play store and search for speech to text apps. There are so many. I would download some and try them out…most are free.
I live in a populated area and some users who live in remote areas have a problem not being able to get Live Transcribe or other apps.
I love Android phones and this particular Galaxy21 has an outstanding microphone. Please ask me for any help you need if you decide to go with any of the ones I have mentioned. I have personally had great luck with Live Transcribe and use it in Doctor’s offices. I can use Otter in the waiting room and, most times, it will pick up someone calling my name. You can also set Live Transcribe to vibrate if some mentions your name…in my case Mary seems to sound like a lot of other words so it will vibrate for that also.
FL Mary
Thank you for sharing all this information, Mary. The mere concept of speech to text was a dream not all that long ago. Now that it's here, we hear people complaining that it isn't perfect! Kind of like hearing aids and other technology. Research and development is constantly looking at ways to improve all the things that help us, and they do get better and better!
So happy to be living in times when such help is available for those of us with hearing loss. On diagnoses back in the 60s, I was told that NOTHING would ever be available to help me with the progressive hearing loss I was diagnosed with at age 21. Decades later I benefit from hearing aids, cochlear implants and other technology that works with them.
Aren't we lucky?!!