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The information is very sketchy at this point in time…I think it’s going to be quite a while yet for the medical profession to gather more information about covid and all of the many symptoms it leaves some people with. I personally feel that due to this lack of information the doctor are at a loss as to what to give us. I recently spoke with my family doctor about my symptoms since I had covid and he said I’m putting too much onus on covid…I never had these symptoms before covid so what was I to think…the doctor is doing some routine tests to probably rule out other things. I did read something recently about this very dilemma regarding long covid and it’s definitely going to cause more changes in health care. I realize that every country has it’s own methods of doing things but at the end of the day they also share their findings with other countries and this can only be helpful for all of us no matter where we live, thank goodness for technology, amen.

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Replies to "The information is very sketchy at this point in time…I think it’s going to be quite..."

Thanks for your input. I agree.

They don't want to know about Long Covid. If these doctors were as inept as they pretend to be about long covid - they would have never gotten out of medical school. They have someone telling them to ignore long covid patients (lawyer, Insurance govt...) It's been 3 years and you can't tell me they don't have a protocol to identify the sickness - you know specific blood test? What to look for in stool samples, criteria for scans... How to track that spike protein they injected us with to confuse our immune system to fight Covid - is it lost in our bodies fighting what else other than covid? Trust me Long Covid is a human screw-up and the total disregard by the medical community is a disgrace at a minimum and criminal if it is a cover up as I expect.

I agree. I think the medical system is overwhelmed and understaffed. It is going to take a long time to catch up...info is out there but hard to find and not enough docs who understand/have time or who can take on a larger patient load. I think they are being honest when they say they don't have time.