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Thanks for your response to my inquiry. I discovered my NET when I was putting on underarm deodorant. When I pressed the stick of deodorant to my arm pit I could feel a lump under my skin. One CT scan and a biopsy later my diagnosis was made. I wont speak to an oncologist until the 31st. The wait is unbearable.

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Replies to "Thanks for your response to my inquiry. I discovered my NET when I was putting on..."

My NET was discovered incidentally to an abdominal CT—it was a walnut-size tumor in the mesentery (webbing between the intestines) biopsied positive as NET. It was a secondary NET, and the primary was found at surgery in the lining of the small intestine and was the size of a BB. NETs are different from other kinds of tumors so do whatever you can to be seen by oncologists that are NET experts. And you are right. The waiting is nerve wracking but worth it to get all the information and answers you can—for that will increase your strength and power—plus soak up all the support and care for whatever is next. Good luck going forward.