← Return to Post Covid chest tightness, pressure in throat, dizziness, SOB

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I’m now over 38 months POST COVID and I had all the same symptoms as your dear 80 year old mother.

My advice may seem too simple to make a difference, but all these steps really did help me with TIME!

Quote: TIME truly is the BEST HEALER of ALL!

First, thing she can do is truly REST! Sleep is the body’s way to rejuvenate itself. COVID attacked my adrenals and zapped my energy for years!!!

Please help your dear mother realize COVID recovery is NOT something you can PUSH thru!!!

Time • Rest • Healthy Eating • are what is required…

Second, vitamin supplements have been extremely helpful for me. I have a wicked low vitamin D and vitamin K issue so, getting outside and just sitting in the sun helped me a good bit too.

And since your mother is use to being outside in the sun walking this is a great alternative. I choose not to wear a hat nor sunglasses. I’d go out three to five times a day for 15-30 minutes each time.

Vitamin B-12 complex, along with heavy dosages vitamin C throughout the day using two packets of Emergent C drinks - either cold or hot - water three times daily, plus vitamins A and E, all helped as well.

Third, for me was a diet of very low carbs and sugars and high in proteins helped tremendously! It reduced the inflammation I suffered with my COVID and allowed my body to re-energize from the inside out. It took over a full year to notice these subtle changes, but it ended up helping me a lot. Think KETO.

I also learned shellfish and cashews are all inflammation triggers for me!

Finally, positivity and laughter helped. I watched comedy of all types. They say: Laughter is the Best Medicine and it really worked for me!

Find things that tickle your mother’s funny bone and get her laughing as much as possible - with time it helps too.

I’ll add this one last thing…
At one point I thought I was surely going to die. My COVID symptoms, especially the tightness of my chest and my heart racing - I was a sure I would die from a heart attack. I was so tired and worn out both physically and mentally- I remember thinking: Bring it on God - I’m ready to go home

It felt like my heart was beating out-of-my-chest and the tightness in my throat made it hard to breathe and even swallow. Later, I learned that was all from inflammation and the KETO diet helped that a lot too!

It was so bad in November-December 2019 and on into January of 2020, I was sure I was having a heart attack! Later, I learned - I did suffered two benign heart issues with both PVCs and PACs.

Your mother may have had those same fears and thoughts and mentally is now ‘different’ - feeling like she faced death and did not pass. It changed me mentally!!

Reminiscing with her positive past memories MIGHT help her adjust back mentally. Invite family and friends to come visit and ask them to come prepared to share FUN - Happy memories and ONLY bring healthy foods to eat!

It is an unfortunate issue with COVID that forces us all to realize we are not immortal!

Hopefully, these suggestions will make a difference for her! God bless.

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Replies to "I’m now over 38 months POST COVID and I had all the same symptoms as your..."

aggies100, you are so kind to offer this detailed information and heartfelt support -- even if it can't quite cure, it does help! Happy new year!!