Other symptoms of your peripheral neuropathy besides pain, numbness?

Posted by stallen @stallen, Mar 8, 2023

I have peripheral neuropathy diagnosed in 2017…I’m 60 yrs old now . I have numbness , some varying weakness and aches/pains.
I think numbness and/or pain are common with most of us. I’m wondering what additional symptoms people have? I’m having varying levels of fatigue throughout the day and more recently I have experienced more lightheadedness …along with balance issues. In addition I’ve been experiencing what I think is “exercise intolerance “ a bit.
Again , curious what others experience beside normal numbness/pain.

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I have night sweating , i wake up soaked,and extreme fatigue during the day, sometimes stomach bloating, inscrased salivation, apart from the feet and hand redness and pain.. I had a corneal microscope test to conclude something was wrong with my nerves , because all the testing done so far was ok, ,, I look like a healthy person otherwise, but I feel I have the demorgorgon inside my body.. My internist think mine is autoimune because I have other two aoutoimune diseases and raynauds syndrome also, but so far my doctors haven't been able to prove anything, and its been three years since it all started in my right leg, and know I have all my body affected..


I have night sweating , i wake up soaked,and extreme fatigue during the day, sometimes stomach bloating, inscrased salivation, apart from the feet and hand redness and pain.. I had a corneal microscope test to conclude something was wrong with my nerves , because all the testing done so far was ok, ,, I look like a healthy person otherwise, but I feel I have the demorgorgon inside my body.. My internist think mine is autoimune because I have other two aoutoimune diseases and raynauds syndrome also, but so far my doctors haven't been able to prove anything, and its been three years since it all started in my right leg, and know I have all my body affected..

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Thanks for the reply…like me, I’m sure you’ve thought, “what the heck happened “…
Our world gets turned upside down and it’s difficult to deal with. ..not knowing from one day to the next what to expect. I walk about every day to keep the blood flowing. If you haven’t already, get a big fan on a stand right next to the bed…I do that and it helps a lot.
I hope things stabilize for you.



bladder urgency I feel is related to my motor neuropathy, no control over bladder muscles related to motor neurons in that area; light headedness, fatigue and depression; blurred vision even with 20/20 vision. Considering laser therapy but cost a factor since insurance won't cover; now seeking reconsideration of policy since nothing else works but it seems insurance only covers what does NOT work and rejects new therapies. I believe this is a disease of the future, and when everyone has it, maybe insurance will be forced to cover new therapies.

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Is bladder urgency and some minor leaking a common problem with PN? I also experience fatigue and recently I've been unexpectedly falling asleep.


@gregoria - You sure have a lot going on. I just wanted to mention that by coincidence, when my peripheral neuropathy first started up, I'd wake up the in the middle of the night with night sweats, tee shirt damp, pillowcase damp. Neuro doc did a sleep study and sure enough, sleep apnea. Since I got the machine, sweats stopped and sleeping better. Just thought I mention it.


Thank you for your post. I was last year monitorized for apnea problems during my sleep, and the results were ok. I had also two spirometries and were also fine. My pneumologist told me everything was fine..she told me we were done. So I am visiting a neuro doctor specialized in the vegetative autonomous system to try other tests, those might be tilt table, vasalva maneuver.. I don't know what else that might be. This is s very complicated desease with many medical issues involved..


Thank you for your post. I was last year monitorized for apnea problems during my sleep, and the results were ok. I had also two spirometries and were also fine. My pneumologist told me everything was fine..she told me we were done. So I am visiting a neuro doctor specialized in the vegetative autonomous system to try other tests, those might be tilt table, vasalva maneuver.. I don't know what else that might be. This is s very complicated desease with many medical issues involved..

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A positive is it sounds like you have access to various types of specialists…so that’s a plus. If you haven’t already, read up on dysautonomia…perhaps something to discuss at your neuro appointment. Best wishes to you.


I have ideopathic small fiber neuropathy confirmed by a skin biopsy. Nerve conduction study is normal. I have mild tinnitus and the tip of my tongue is numb and tingly which has altered my sense of taste.

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