Does anyone know if gastroparesis is progressive over time?

Posted by denisef @denisef, Nov 6, 2022

i was diagnosed with gastroparesis about 3 years ago (gastric emptying study). I had it several years prior, however, just went undiagnosed and YEARS ago was unable to eat fibrous vegetables things like broccolli etc. it would just "sit" and come back up hours later - totally undigested. I am managing it by dramatically changing my lifestyle both when and what i eat. Currently I am unable to eat anything solid after 2 pm. if i want to be able to lay down and sleep around 9-10 p.m. Lately things seem to be getting worse and there are some days where i ONLY eat pureed things/smoothies, frozen yogurt and nothing solid - otherwise i feel nauseous all the time. I was wondering if this is what happens - that things get worse and worse until eventually you cannot eat any solids at all and perhaps even have to get a feeding tube put in?? Seems like the gastroenterologists i have seen know "next to nothing" about this condition. One told me "you can just drink Ensure" - like it was no big deal to drink Ensure the rest of your life!!

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thank you for the update. your diet sounds very similar to mine - looots of bread/toast and shakes - main thing I eat. Can you eat stewed fruit (boiled and then pureed) - I find that a "nice treat" and sometimes warm it up and have it with frozen yogurt - very delish (since we cannot enjoy much!). that is a procedure I would consider if my condition deteriorates further. I am thankful right now I can eat what I can eat. Please let me know how you do once you recover. They did that procedure endoscopically - right? Did you have the botox injections into the pyloric valve first - to see if it was going to work? Just wondering .... Did your GP happen "all of a sudden" or did it happen gradually over many years? that was my original question - I am trying to find out how it progresses (or if it does). I definitely think mine is worsening. Another question - how many hours before you lay down to go to bed at night do you stop eating? that is one of my main issues. I cannot eat anything after 2 p.m. other than liquid otherwise the minute I lay down I get pain and nausea. Also - did you go to a specialty center to get the surgery done and if so where? Sorry for all the questions but I am trying to get some answers here and not many people seem to answer the questions I have....

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I saw Dr. Michael Hughes in Louisville, Ky and he did my procedure at
Jewish Hospital.
It was endoscopy with either 7 or 8 cuts into my abdominal area. It has
been since Nov 1
and I still have pain. I eat canned soft fruit with cool whip. I eat baked
or mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes. Also, yogurt, ice cream and shakes.
I eat a lot of toast with creamy peanut butter. I can eat these soft foods
up to an hour before I go to bed. I sleep really well. However, most
mornings I become uncomfortable after being out of bed for about an hour. I
am still using 2 tablespoons of the mixture of 1 cup applesauce, 1 cup oat
brand (not oatmeal) ans 3/4 cup prune juice just before bed. I take 2 stool
softeners also. My bowels are working fine. I will have a Zoom visit with
surgeon in December. No, I did not have any Botox.
I just get extremely tired very quickly. I dust one or two pieces of
furniture and have to rest!!
This is so totally not me!!!!!


Thanks for your reply, Brenda. Sorry you still are not feeling well. Your description of the procedure sounds 'confusing" I am in the medical field so I know quite about about surgeries, endoscopies etc. when you have an endoscopy they go in through your mouth with a tube (like an upper GI examination - which I am sure you have had many of) and they do the surgery through that tube (no incisions in the abdomen) it sounds like you have both? is the pyloroplasty all they did or did you have some other procedure like a hernia repair or something as well?

Anyhow - that is interesting that you can eat right up until an hour before you go to bed. That is my biggest problem - laying down with food in my stomach - it causes major pain/pressure/gas/nausea. I stop eating at 2 p.m. and only have liquids after that - soup with no chunks or thin purees - and I don't even eat any of that after 5-6 p.m.

I live in California - I was hoping the doc who did your surgery was nearby! Is he just a "regular GI doc" or did you go to a Gastroparesis "specialty" doctor?? There is one place near me that specializes in it - but its about 30 miles away and my insurance will not cover it unfortunately. I would very much like to know if the pyloroplasty helps you (once you are healed) and if you are able to eat normally again - or at least "better" and more different foods other than purees and toast!!


Thanks for your reply, Brenda. Sorry you still are not feeling well. Your description of the procedure sounds 'confusing" I am in the medical field so I know quite about about surgeries, endoscopies etc. when you have an endoscopy they go in through your mouth with a tube (like an upper GI examination - which I am sure you have had many of) and they do the surgery through that tube (no incisions in the abdomen) it sounds like you have both? is the pyloroplasty all they did or did you have some other procedure like a hernia repair or something as well?

Anyhow - that is interesting that you can eat right up until an hour before you go to bed. That is my biggest problem - laying down with food in my stomach - it causes major pain/pressure/gas/nausea. I stop eating at 2 p.m. and only have liquids after that - soup with no chunks or thin purees - and I don't even eat any of that after 5-6 p.m.

I live in California - I was hoping the doc who did your surgery was nearby! Is he just a "regular GI doc" or did you go to a Gastroparesis "specialty" doctor?? There is one place near me that specializes in it - but its about 30 miles away and my insurance will not cover it unfortunately. I would very much like to know if the pyloroplasty helps you (once you are healed) and if you are able to eat normally again - or at least "better" and more different foods other than purees and toast!!

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This surgeon only treats patients with Gastroparesis.
I wasn’t expecting the abdominal incisions either!
Mine was just far advanced.
Going on 4 years of pain.
I am sure there is a surgeon near you who can help.
I am by no means over this!!
Last night I was sick all night.
Why???? I have no idea. I think I didn’t get enough food yesterday.
Today I will try canned sliced potatoes with canned carrots with added plant butter and microwaved for super softness!
This Gastroparesis is a beast!
Stay in touch so I can let you know how this turns out!
God bless you and prayers that you recover 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️


SO sorry you are still suffering after everything you have gone thru. i have been researching the procedure you had. You did mention you had the Botox injections first to see if it will work - right? i plan to go that route if if comes to that. My BIG QUESTION that i originally posted and have been trying to find out is: What has been the disease progression for you. Did it start out slowly and then progress - or just came on "all of a sudden" and the symptoms have stayed more or less the same? I got quite a bit of response since i posted the post - but no-one really addressed my question - except for one or two - one got it after having another surgery and one got it "overnight" just woke up one day throwing up with full blown symptoms and was fine the day prior !! I do feel mine is slowly but surely progressing. i go thru bad patches where i only eat pureed stuff and liquids for days - but then i have better days when i can eat a sandwich and some soft solid foods that are easy to digest... in retrospect mine started decades ago - first indication was i was unable to tolerate broccolli and very "heavy/hard to digest" vegetables - that was probably 5-6 years ago - and then it progressed from there..


Hi! I know I’m late to this thread but I was wondering the same thing- if gastroparesis is progressive.
This is how it started for - Well so I have colonic inertia for sure and possibly gastroparesis (according to dietitian) About 6 years ago I had suddenly felt something had switched off in my stomach, turned out that was the beginning of my chronic constipation issues. So For about 6 months I self treated with colonics. I'm assuming that could've possibly made my situation worse but it was temporary relief at least as I could easily go two wks, if not possibly longer without passing any stool at all.SORRY FOR THE TMI! Finally after 6 months my Gastroenterologist put me on 290mg linzess with 17 mg of miralax .. luckily it worked for me. Anyways, fast forward to 3 years after being diagnosed with colonic inertia - I got pregnant and suddenly start having acid reflux and vomiting every single morning. I figured this was temporary but no... it's now been 4 years since I had my daughter and I still have acid reflux (not vomiting thank goodness ) and for awhile I also had early satiety, nausea, and just this overall feeling of feeling like dreadful. I searched for a nutritionist and that helped me a bit, she taught me about macros and slowly increasing them so I was able to increase my calorie intake bc I was def malnourished even tho I was heavier than normal bc I was always bloated ... then after no more results came from that I switched to a dietitian- and she was able to get me off linzess and miralax and swapped it for magnesium- since then i haven’t had bloating. She also suggested some bitters for acid reflux and some enzymes to breakdown my fats, proteins and carbs- which I’ve been taking . My dietitian is now telling me she suspects I have gastroparesis which really upsets me bc I def didn't have the symptoms of it years ago when I was first diagnosed with colonic inertia which leads me to think I developed gastroparesis from having colonic inertia for so long and prob sped up with being pregnant maybe even the linzess was a contributing factor? The reason she thinks I have it bc I had a setback about 3 wks ago where my bowel movements weren’t feeling complete and I was having early satiety again and a lot of acid reflux. My concern is also whether or not gastroparesis (which we assume for now till I get tested is what I have) is progressive or can my diet maintenance and workout help keep it at bay? Rn I’m back on mostly liquids and very soft textured foods, low fiber and low fat in hopes that’ll clear me up and get me back to some regular healthy bowel movements. I would say that mine has progressed sorta.. improved since pregnancy but being pregnant caused so many other issues afterwards as I mentioned. I’m just scared up to how far I’ll progress one day.. I’m sure most ppl on here share that fear :/

Also since I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere yet, There’s an article on -( can’t post the link )
suggesting that gastroparesis also causes smooth muscle atrophy so it’s been suggested to me by my dietitian to continue working out (I do weight lifting) to prevent or slow down the deterioration of my muscles. So just some info for everyone in case they can try and get a workout in.. hopefully it’ll help slow down progression of muscle atrophy.


Hi! I know I’m late to this thread but I was wondering the same thing- if gastroparesis is progressive.
This is how it started for - Well so I have colonic inertia for sure and possibly gastroparesis (according to dietitian) About 6 years ago I had suddenly felt something had switched off in my stomach, turned out that was the beginning of my chronic constipation issues. So For about 6 months I self treated with colonics. I'm assuming that could've possibly made my situation worse but it was temporary relief at least as I could easily go two wks, if not possibly longer without passing any stool at all.SORRY FOR THE TMI! Finally after 6 months my Gastroenterologist put me on 290mg linzess with 17 mg of miralax .. luckily it worked for me. Anyways, fast forward to 3 years after being diagnosed with colonic inertia - I got pregnant and suddenly start having acid reflux and vomiting every single morning. I figured this was temporary but no... it's now been 4 years since I had my daughter and I still have acid reflux (not vomiting thank goodness ) and for awhile I also had early satiety, nausea, and just this overall feeling of feeling like dreadful. I searched for a nutritionist and that helped me a bit, she taught me about macros and slowly increasing them so I was able to increase my calorie intake bc I was def malnourished even tho I was heavier than normal bc I was always bloated ... then after no more results came from that I switched to a dietitian- and she was able to get me off linzess and miralax and swapped it for magnesium- since then i haven’t had bloating. She also suggested some bitters for acid reflux and some enzymes to breakdown my fats, proteins and carbs- which I’ve been taking . My dietitian is now telling me she suspects I have gastroparesis which really upsets me bc I def didn't have the symptoms of it years ago when I was first diagnosed with colonic inertia which leads me to think I developed gastroparesis from having colonic inertia for so long and prob sped up with being pregnant maybe even the linzess was a contributing factor? The reason she thinks I have it bc I had a setback about 3 wks ago where my bowel movements weren’t feeling complete and I was having early satiety again and a lot of acid reflux. My concern is also whether or not gastroparesis (which we assume for now till I get tested is what I have) is progressive or can my diet maintenance and workout help keep it at bay? Rn I’m back on mostly liquids and very soft textured foods, low fiber and low fat in hopes that’ll clear me up and get me back to some regular healthy bowel movements. I would say that mine has progressed sorta.. improved since pregnancy but being pregnant caused so many other issues afterwards as I mentioned. I’m just scared up to how far I’ll progress one day.. I’m sure most ppl on here share that fear :/

Also since I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere yet, There’s an article on -( can’t post the link )
suggesting that gastroparesis also causes smooth muscle atrophy so it’s been suggested to me by my dietitian to continue working out (I do weight lifting) to prevent or slow down the deterioration of my muscles. So just some info for everyone in case they can try and get a workout in.. hopefully it’ll help slow down progression of muscle atrophy.

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Gastroparesis is separate from bowel issues/constipation. The only way to get it diagnosed is by a gastric emptying study. you need to see a gastroenterologist. You also need an upper endoscopy to rule out issues in your stomach such as a hernia which is causing the acid reflux etc etc. I wouldn't listen to a dietician - she cannot see inside your stomach nor diagnose you with gastroparesis. Normally with GP you throw up undigested food hours (i mean 6-8 hours or more) after you ate - and the food is pretty much as you ate it hours prior - completely undigested. it is not that common. Again - you need the gastric emptying test to confirm that is what it is - but usually they will start with an upper scope and then move onto the gastric emptying study afterwards.


Hi! I know I’m late to this thread but I was wondering the same thing- if gastroparesis is progressive.
This is how it started for - Well so I have colonic inertia for sure and possibly gastroparesis (according to dietitian) About 6 years ago I had suddenly felt something had switched off in my stomach, turned out that was the beginning of my chronic constipation issues. So For about 6 months I self treated with colonics. I'm assuming that could've possibly made my situation worse but it was temporary relief at least as I could easily go two wks, if not possibly longer without passing any stool at all.SORRY FOR THE TMI! Finally after 6 months my Gastroenterologist put me on 290mg linzess with 17 mg of miralax .. luckily it worked for me. Anyways, fast forward to 3 years after being diagnosed with colonic inertia - I got pregnant and suddenly start having acid reflux and vomiting every single morning. I figured this was temporary but no... it's now been 4 years since I had my daughter and I still have acid reflux (not vomiting thank goodness ) and for awhile I also had early satiety, nausea, and just this overall feeling of feeling like dreadful. I searched for a nutritionist and that helped me a bit, she taught me about macros and slowly increasing them so I was able to increase my calorie intake bc I was def malnourished even tho I was heavier than normal bc I was always bloated ... then after no more results came from that I switched to a dietitian- and she was able to get me off linzess and miralax and swapped it for magnesium- since then i haven’t had bloating. She also suggested some bitters for acid reflux and some enzymes to breakdown my fats, proteins and carbs- which I’ve been taking . My dietitian is now telling me she suspects I have gastroparesis which really upsets me bc I def didn't have the symptoms of it years ago when I was first diagnosed with colonic inertia which leads me to think I developed gastroparesis from having colonic inertia for so long and prob sped up with being pregnant maybe even the linzess was a contributing factor? The reason she thinks I have it bc I had a setback about 3 wks ago where my bowel movements weren’t feeling complete and I was having early satiety again and a lot of acid reflux. My concern is also whether or not gastroparesis (which we assume for now till I get tested is what I have) is progressive or can my diet maintenance and workout help keep it at bay? Rn I’m back on mostly liquids and very soft textured foods, low fiber and low fat in hopes that’ll clear me up and get me back to some regular healthy bowel movements. I would say that mine has progressed sorta.. improved since pregnancy but being pregnant caused so many other issues afterwards as I mentioned. I’m just scared up to how far I’ll progress one day.. I’m sure most ppl on here share that fear :/

Also since I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere yet, There’s an article on -( can’t post the link )
suggesting that gastroparesis also causes smooth muscle atrophy so it’s been suggested to me by my dietitian to continue working out (I do weight lifting) to prevent or slow down the deterioration of my muscles. So just some info for everyone in case they can try and get a workout in.. hopefully it’ll help slow down progression of muscle atrophy.

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Hi, I can write a book, I’ll try to e brief. Severe motility small and large bowel. Scheduled 2021 for colectomy changed my mind. Tests prior to surgery was stomach emptying and small bowel fluoroscopy. Had to pass to perform surgery. Had tried prior EVERYTHING to prevent surgery then just said no. When I was going to do it, they asked if I would consider Covid vaccine,wasn’t vaccinated. Surgery was scheduled September 2021. July and August received vaccines and then never did surgery. Fast forward to about 7 months ago and Gastro doc decided to start repeating tests done late 2020, third Gastro. First, did stomach emptying because not vomiting but eating smallest amount felt like huge meal and I couldn’t eat rest of day. Stomach emptying time was 17 hours yet in 2021 normal. I think vaccine because no med changes and no diet change. No sugar, no dairy and no gluten for over 2 years. Then did small bowel and it had a delay as well. All so disappointing. So I’m on erythromycin liquid, three small doses after each meal, lots of liquid vitamins including potassium prescription, every other night Philips milk of mag and amitiza that I hate because for about 3 hours I suffer labored breathing and is any of this helping no. So Friday night two capfuls Philips, Saturday morning 2 more and a day of only fluids. I’ll pass brown water all day and repeat next Friday. Another colonoscopy this May because so booked. It’s so endlessly disappointing. I have no answers except searching a forth Gastro with hope. I don’t know what else to do. I’m not removing my colon to only begin creating a knew problem. I’m 68 and I’m not doing it. I don’t have cancer slickly severe motility and gastroparesis. Wish you well…Joanne


Gastroparesis is separate from bowel issues/constipation. The only way to get it diagnosed is by a gastric emptying study. you need to see a gastroenterologist. You also need an upper endoscopy to rule out issues in your stomach such as a hernia which is causing the acid reflux etc etc. I wouldn't listen to a dietician - she cannot see inside your stomach nor diagnose you with gastroparesis. Normally with GP you throw up undigested food hours (i mean 6-8 hours or more) after you ate - and the food is pretty much as you ate it hours prior - completely undigested. it is not that common. Again - you need the gastric emptying test to confirm that is what it is - but usually they will start with an upper scope and then move onto the gastric emptying study afterwards.

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Thank you for your response! I am still trying to find a good gastroenterologist but so far my last 3 haven’t been very good. I’ll get it confirmed hopefully sometime in the near future. I hope your GP has gotten a little better and def not worse since you created this post.


Hi, I can write a book, I’ll try to e brief. Severe motility small and large bowel. Scheduled 2021 for colectomy changed my mind. Tests prior to surgery was stomach emptying and small bowel fluoroscopy. Had to pass to perform surgery. Had tried prior EVERYTHING to prevent surgery then just said no. When I was going to do it, they asked if I would consider Covid vaccine,wasn’t vaccinated. Surgery was scheduled September 2021. July and August received vaccines and then never did surgery. Fast forward to about 7 months ago and Gastro doc decided to start repeating tests done late 2020, third Gastro. First, did stomach emptying because not vomiting but eating smallest amount felt like huge meal and I couldn’t eat rest of day. Stomach emptying time was 17 hours yet in 2021 normal. I think vaccine because no med changes and no diet change. No sugar, no dairy and no gluten for over 2 years. Then did small bowel and it had a delay as well. All so disappointing. So I’m on erythromycin liquid, three small doses after each meal, lots of liquid vitamins including potassium prescription, every other night Philips milk of mag and amitiza that I hate because for about 3 hours I suffer labored breathing and is any of this helping no. So Friday night two capfuls Philips, Saturday morning 2 more and a day of only fluids. I’ll pass brown water all day and repeat next Friday. Another colonoscopy this May because so booked. It’s so endlessly disappointing. I have no answers except searching a forth Gastro with hope. I don’t know what else to do. I’m not removing my colon to only begin creating a knew problem. I’m 68 and I’m not doing it. I don’t have cancer slickly severe motility and gastroparesis. Wish you well…Joanne

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Have you tried linzess? Linzess and miralax were what finally got my bowels moving years ago. Luckily I was able to eventually get off of it but I do have to take magnesium, drink a gallon of water everyday, and drink prune juice twice a day. Also potatoes make the constipation worse for me so maybe it’s the same for you or you have another food that may make it worse.
Wishing you all the best!


Hi , I have mild Gastroparesis for 1 year ( gastric study) and I don’t eat after 3 pm if I want to be able to sleep like you. I eat chicken breast, French toast, 1/2 chicken breast sandwich with milk and light Aldi’s ice cream 4 grams fat every day. I had an Upper Endoscopy with Botox injection 4 cc in the pyloric valve, it made it worse for a few weeks. I had a Manometry test and a Barium Test with eating a sandwich. It showed I also have Esophogastric Junction Outflow Obstruction. I get GERD all the time, so unable to drink too much water or milk or food as it just sits in my stomach. I will try exercising more. I am going to NYU hospital in NYC ( top 5 hospital in the country) and Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC in May, as my 4 former Florida Gastroenterolgists only have offered dilation and Botox. I feel I deserve better, so I will continue to search out other opinions, tests and solutions. I recommend you researching other gastroenterologists specializing in motility disorders, even if you have to travel.

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