← Return to Red processed meat and things that affect CA 27-29 marker readings?

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Hi. You don’t want to put hot things in Tupperware because it activates the bad chemicals. The glass isn’t too bad, I’ve dropped a couple of times and they didn’t break. I now save all glass containers from sauces to pickle jars plus you can see what’s in your containers. I purchased these bags attached because they are plant based and I was surprised, depending on what you put in them, they can be rinsed off and reused. Plus get pots and pans that do not have APEO & PFOA chemicals, don’t use any aluminum. You would be surprised but sales receipts, candles, detergents and the simplest things produce extra estrogen in your body. I’ve been studying this for over 2 years. I have lived 8 months past my “expiration” date. The Dr told me the other day to keep doing what I’m doing because he didn’t think I would still be here! Good luck on your journey 💖

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Replies to "Hi. You don’t want to put hot things in Tupperware because it activates the bad chemicals...."

THank you for your response. Seems like you are on the right track! I would love to know more about your research on estrogen as I seem to find myself running in circles with info on good a and bad foods for estrogen positive cancer. I'm particular concerned with the amount of eggs and yogurt I eat. If you ever have the time I would love it if you posted any info you can share on the changes you have made. Appreciate you and praying for your continued progress!