Did you have and how do you manage Letrozole side effects?

Posted by nana3131 @nana3131, Mar 13, 2023

I’m going to start Letrozole in few days. Want to know what side effect and if it go away after awhile . Thank you.

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I have been on Letrozole for almost one year. Minimal joint pain first few weeks. Now I only experience warm flushes primarily after meals. I was very worried as I love w/chronic pain from spinal issues. In fact chose not to take Letrozole after 1st breast cancer in 2018. This time I started. Glad I did. Best if luck on your journey.


I’m going to be in this as well
Any other comments side effects etc
I’ll be in it for 5-10 yrs
And zomex to preserve my bones


My doctor is having me discontinue letrozole for the next four weeks to see if the muscle pain I have developed in my left leg and left buttock will go away. Long-term back pain is apparently pretty common with letrozole.


I’m going to be in this as well
Any other comments side effects etc
I’ll be in it for 5-10 yrs
And zomex to preserve my bones

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I’ll be in both these meds as well


My doctor is having me discontinue letrozole for the next four weeks to see if the muscle pain I have developed in my left leg and left buttock will go away. Long-term back pain is apparently pretty common with letrozole.

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Terrible leg and joint pain. Discontinued after a year. Put on tamofin and doing much better.


I was diagnosed with early breast cancer in 2020 during Covid. Had surgery, radiotherapy and put on Letrozole straightaway as surgery was not an option when I was diagnosed due to COVID. From reading all about the negatives of Letrozole and bone pain I was feeling pretty negative. However once on the medication I started to develop really bad hot flushes and bone pain. My doctor suggested yoga, Pilates, walking to keep my bone health. I’ve followed his advice and soon started to feel better with the bone pain. I now do yoga, Pilates and regular exercises… in fact I don’t have bone pain and feel so much better. I would definitely recommend to try the medication if it is advised that you take it. And do the exercises u will feel better and not suffer so much from the pain


I’m going to be in this as well
Any other comments side effects etc
I’ll be in it for 5-10 yrs
And zomex to preserve my bones

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I’ve been on Letrozole for about 2 1/2 years. There has been an assortment of side effects. Many have dissipated on their own. I went to PT for about a year until the muscle and joint pain abated. I continue to walk, do strength training, and go to yoga weekly. my latest side effect is some bone density loss. I will start a semiannual shot for that in the next few months.

even with all the side effects, being cancer free is worth it. My sister has been on letrozole for longer than I, and she’s had very few side effects. Like most of the things in life, our bodies each react in different ways. I wish you well on your journey.


I was on Letrozole for 4 1/2 months and had to stop due to the joint pain and extreme hot flashes that would make me drip sweat. My doctor switched me to Exemestane. If I have bad side effects with that well try Anastrozole next. If that one is bad I’ll be put back on Tamoxifen. I was on it for 10 months prior to my complete hysterectomy with oophorectomy and had no issues on it. I work out regularly with walking, Pilates, and weights and that did nothing to help the joint pain. I did find some relief with arnica cream.


Hi, new to the group and started Letrozole about 2 weeks ago. I’m curious @nana3131 about your side effects, if any, since you started last March? I was initially on Anastrozole but developed a rash so was switched to Letrozole. I also experienced low mood while on Anastrozole and was not very nice to my husband — he certainly didn’t deserve that! So far so good on Letrozole, for the most part. My mood is good, no aches or pains, and the only side effects I’ve noticed so far are some mild hot flashes/running hot at night, and I have difficulty falling asleep which has never been an issue for me. (Prior to these meds, I’d wake in the night and not be able to get back to sleep.) I’m going to try switching to taking my pill at bedtime to see if that makes a difference. If anyone else has experience with this same issue (inability to fall asleep), would love to hear how you’ve dealt successfully with it!


Hi, new to the group and started Letrozole about 2 weeks ago. I’m curious @nana3131 about your side effects, if any, since you started last March? I was initially on Anastrozole but developed a rash so was switched to Letrozole. I also experienced low mood while on Anastrozole and was not very nice to my husband — he certainly didn’t deserve that! So far so good on Letrozole, for the most part. My mood is good, no aches or pains, and the only side effects I’ve noticed so far are some mild hot flashes/running hot at night, and I have difficulty falling asleep which has never been an issue for me. (Prior to these meds, I’d wake in the night and not be able to get back to sleep.) I’m going to try switching to taking my pill at bedtime to see if that makes a difference. If anyone else has experience with this same issue (inability to fall asleep), would love to hear how you’ve dealt successfully with it!

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Hi @alibee, I’m tagging @nana3131 again to ensure she sees your question to her about Letrozole and her experience with side effects.

Ali, does Letrozole continue to be a better aromatase inhibitor for you? How are you doing?

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