← Return to Newly diagnosed-Primary Malignant Neuroendocrine of Lung

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Hello @dak10 and welcome to the NETs discussion on Mayo Clinic Connect. I can see that you have already met @kim1965 and @kellysg. I am glad that they have shared with you their experiences. I can certainly understand your concerns. Being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer tends to heighten anxiety.

I am a 20-year survivor of NETs. I have had three surgeries (upper digestive tract) beginning in 2003 and the last surgery was in 2016. My NETs were found incidentally, as there were no symptoms but were found on a routine upper endoscopy.
I have only had surgeries; no other treatments were needed up to this point. All of our stories are quite different in terms of treatments.

It sounds like your medical team has been observing this for some time now. Was this lung nodule found incidentally or were you having problems with shortness of breath that led to the original findings?

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Replies to "Hello @dak10 and welcome to the NETs discussion on Mayo Clinic Connect. I can see that..."

Hi, my lung nodule was found incidentally. I had a benign lipoma removed from my abdomen, and prior to that surgery a PET scan was ordered and the nodule lit up, they sent me to a thoracic surgeon, he wanted to remove it, stating that sometimes these modules turn to cancer. I declined the surgery and opted for monitoring it by CT scans. The scans were all normal with no growth, one year it was smaller. Scan in 2021 all good, 2022 showed growth, enough for a biopsy. Biopsy came back as Neuroendocrine tumor, was sent to oncology, they said we will do a PET scan and do more blood work in 3 months. The oncologist said as long as I was not experiencing any symptoms, no hurry to do anything. I felt great about that, my family pushed for a second opinion, and the new oncologist specialized in all NETS, she said why wait. Within a week I had a PET scan, MRI of my brain, and more bloodwork. My right lung and right pluera lit up and a small part of my pancreas and spleen. She said my tumor is grade 2, stage IV, ki67 4%, she recommends I start the Lanreotide next week, surgery is no longer an option, I still do not have any symptoms. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind, and tomorrow morning she wants anothe CT scan of the abdomen to review the pancreas and spleen. Currently I am very emotional and can’t believe this is happening, I wish I would of had the surgery in 2017 . Thank you for your comments and you give me hope!