← Return to Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

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I had Covid last June, followed by months of the terrible hacking cough others have mentioned. The cough eventually receded, but I was constantly clearing my throat before I could talk & my voice had become chronically “raspy.” My primary care doctor referred me to an ENT who recommended Musinex. I take 2 capsules morning & night, & it has definitely helped. He also referred me to an imaging center for a “barium swallow” test, which involved drinking multiple cupfuls of this milky liquid while images were taken of the stuff passing through my esophagus. I was later told I have a “Zenker’s diverticulum” ( it’s really a thing—I looked it up!). It’s a little pouch-like protrusion into the esophagus (I presume caused by all the coughing). It collects mucus, also food particles, and can cause gagging & choking, as well as the chronic throat clearing. The ENT thinks it’s not serious enough for surgery (of course, he isn’t living with it), & I’ve only had one instance of serious choking, so far. That made me more conscientious about taking the Musinex, which definitely helps. I see my primary care physician later this month, & I’ll talk with her about what, if anything, to do next.

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Replies to "I had Covid last June, followed by months of the terrible hacking cough others have mentioned...."

So the Mucinex helps? I’m going to try it.

Oh that’s so funny. My pcp said we can certainly get you scheduled for a barium swallow test at which point I was like no more tests to find I’m on the edge of something with no real intervention to STOP this! Early on I used musinex and then stopped because one of the doctors said it has a drying effect and that will only create more mucus. Heck after reading yours I think I’ll give it a try again!