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I’m sorry the Urso did not work for you, what did your hepatologist recommend? My liver enzymes were high for several years and then a Gastro Dr said my bilirubin was high that’s when I had a biopsy. I only eat out maybe once a month and stay on my clean eating. I only cook ck breast, ground turkey breast, salmon, shrimp for meat. Then whole grains, veggies, fruit, skim milk.
I have tweaked many recipes I love like chili, bean soup, pizza goulash to be healthy and freeze them. I exercise but not as much as I should. I have met some wonderful ladies with this one from WY who came to visit while travel and I’m in IL.

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Replies to "I’m sorry the Urso did not work for you, what did your hepatologist recommend? My liver..."

The other medication for PBC is Ocaliva. That drug made me sick and the doctor had me stop taking it. My diet is very much like your diet. Add low fat and gluten free.
I have a treadmill and try to use it 6 days a week.