Has to wait for a month to get an MRI

Posted by mlrieley @mlrieley, Mar 9, 2023

My daughter-in-law has been diagnosed with a abnormal breast edema through her mamogram. It is painful and they said it is inderminate for evolving mastitis versus possible inflammatory breast cancer. BAD NEWs they can't get her MRI scheduled for a full month. She is frantic and not doing well at all - what would you recommend? Scream loudly and go to the Emergency Room???

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Very frustrating, but DO NOT not use the ER as solution. ER might not do an MRI and you will have one more bill. Breast MRI are done on specialized table where lie on stomach and breast hang down. Not something you would normally find in a ER.

Demand for imaging like CTs and MRIs are causing delays at many places. Many places are running extended shifts , I think my last MRI was at 7 pm. But supply is still limited by resources available, machine and staff.

Ask provider the risk of waiting a month for diagnosis. Is their a cancelation list you can be added to. Is it possible to have MRI at another location?

Ask provider if can do an ultrasound / biopsy to confirm diagnosis. May not be an option, but worth asking if MRI not available.

Hoping you find a solution.



A month is not a long wait. Here we wait 6 to a year. If it is cancer it has been there for a long time if it hurts, and 30 days wont make much difference. I never got an MRI and I had lumps in bothe breasts. Dont panic. Use this time to research, pray, and plan.


@mlrieley I think @roch is exactly right. There are crazy delays in all kinds of care these days, but imaging seems to be especially affected. My husband and I waited 6 months for his PET scan last year, that included being willing to drive 4 hours to get it.
That being said, I would also not just wait without talking to my doctor, and checking on any options available. Up to and including asking for an appointment at a breast clinic.
Do you live in an area where you might get in to a large center or a teaching hospital?


Sorry you are going thru this. I agree about seeing if you can get any other test for her.
I had a mammogram in Jan. Had to wait a week for results didn't start chemo till March and other procedures were delayed as well but doing fine. Staff shortages aren't helping and covid at the time. Good luck with everything and don't be afraid to speak up.


A month is not a long wait. Here we wait 6 to a year. If it is cancer it has been there for a long time if it hurts, and 30 days wont make much difference. I never got an MRI and I had lumps in bothe breasts. Dont panic. Use this time to research, pray, and plan.

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So true! A month isn’t a very long wait! After my screening Mammo I had a 2 week wait for diagnostic mammo and US, then another 2 week wait for biopsy. Then 2 week wIt to see surgeon who ordered MRI with 2 week wait for that. MRI picked another problem in 2nd breast! You guessed it…another 2 wk wait for diagnostic mammo and US in second breast and additional 2 wk wait after that for biopsy of 2nd breast! It was frustrating indeed but we tend to get through these things, we really do! It’s hard but best to relax, trust your docs and take one step forward at a time and be so happy that we have such great diagnostic and treatment tools now. Think of what women went through 50, 60, 70 years ago before mammo and US were even available.


Wow that is really a frustrating story, thanks for sharing and giving us hope!!


So true! A month isn’t a very long wait! After my screening Mammo I had a 2 week wait for diagnostic mammo and US, then another 2 week wait for biopsy. Then 2 week wIt to see surgeon who ordered MRI with 2 week wait for that. MRI picked another problem in 2nd breast! You guessed it…another 2 wk wait for diagnostic mammo and US in second breast and additional 2 wk wait after that for biopsy of 2nd breast! It was frustrating indeed but we tend to get through these things, we really do! It’s hard but best to relax, trust your docs and take one step forward at a time and be so happy that we have such great diagnostic and treatment tools now. Think of what women went through 50, 60, 70 years ago before mammo and US were even available.

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Yes! I could not do the drugs... side effects, and I had them ALL. I was in bed for months, finally stopped the drugs altogether, and went on a whole food plant based diet with no oils. Only eat what grows. It has been a godsend to me, I now walk 2 miles a day with my big dog, every day, and I have never felt better. 3 years clear so far, with 2 lumpectomies and radiation, nothing else.


I agree with what most people have said--it isn't that long a wait. I had a similar wait to check for metastasis and had to drive 75 miles. A follow-up MRI was cancelled once and then delayed--medical systems are very overburdened. For intense pain or new symptoms, I'd go back to doctor or ER. I wouldn't ignore anything new in any case.
Get on a waiting list. Look at what options might be within reasonable driving distance. And set up support for anxiety--counseling, pastoral help, friends, exercise--anything that is sympatico. I have found that treating my anxiety has been a huge help in terms of dealing with medical situations, and life in general.
Wishing both her and you all the best.


So true! A month isn’t a very long wait! After my screening Mammo I had a 2 week wait for diagnostic mammo and US, then another 2 week wait for biopsy. Then 2 week wIt to see surgeon who ordered MRI with 2 week wait for that. MRI picked another problem in 2nd breast! You guessed it…another 2 wk wait for diagnostic mammo and US in second breast and additional 2 wk wait after that for biopsy of 2nd breast! It was frustrating indeed but we tend to get through these things, we really do! It’s hard but best to relax, trust your docs and take one step forward at a time and be so happy that we have such great diagnostic and treatment tools now. Think of what women went through 50, 60, 70 years ago before mammo and US were even available.

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I’m glad you mentioned all of the WAIT TIME! I feel like my life is on hold while waiting for tests that now will determine whether I need chemotherapy. We just keep our calendar wide open and assume we cannot schedule anything “normal”, since treatment and healing are the main focus. Our job is to take it as it comes and be thankful there is treatment.


It’s going on 11 weeks to get a mri for mass in my leg, Mind you several calls cancelling appointments that were already made . Once it was because they don’t do contrast on the weekends and another because they said my insurance wasn’t approved. Mind you when I talked with insurance company they told me it had been approved. MRI SHEILDS. What is going on ?

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