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If you are doing a 27-29 tumor marker test then I’m assuming it’s for breast cancer. I also have stage 4 breast cancer for almost 3 years. My markers have been 14-22 for the past 2-1/2 years. I gave up dairy and processed red meat because both of the two are some of the worst foods for driving up estrogen. Even tupperware drives up estrogen levels. If you do not have an estrogen driven cancer, dairy and processed red meat are the worse for any type of cancer. Good luck on your journey.

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Replies to "If you are doing a 27-29 tumor marker test then I’m assuming it’s for breast cancer...."

One more thing, I’ve read a lot of post from many sites on the 27-29 test and there seems to be a lot of doctors that don’t go by this testing method because there are many factors that can influence the results, not just eating a particular food.

In regards to Tupperware, what if I switched to ziplocks for my food...probably just as bad right? I hate to use glass as I'm clumsy as can be and we have ceramic floors. What do you store in,

So, could the pastrami have driven up the tumor marker? I never eat red meat, ordered by mistake and then was starving.