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I was told by my doctor that you should get all your calcium naturally. I drink cow's milk, eat cheese sticks, eat yogurt, eat vegetables high in calcium, salmon with bones and other natural foods high in calcium. I keep track of what I eat up to 1200 mg of calcium. It must work. This past year my bone density increased from 4.1 to 3.6. (I am also on Prolia.) My blood work done 3 weeks ago showed a normal calcium level. I also take 1,000 IU of Vitamin D daily and 200 mcg of Vitamin K2 MK7.

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Replies to "I was told by my doctor that you should get all your calcium naturally. I drink..."

In my 70’s. I too only focus on absorbable food based calcium. DEXA holding steady ( at osteopenia) for 3 years . Also take D3 and K2

Blood calcium is normal Calcium score (CT of arteries) was Zero! I thank healthy eating, food based calcium and K2 for that!

Regarding your comment “ My blood work done 3 weeks ago showed a normal calcium level”, your bloodwork should ALWAYS show that your calcium is within the normal range. If it doesn’t, you need to have your parathyroid glands checked.

A blood calcium level within the normal range doesn’t mean that one is getting enough calcium from one’s diet, it simple means one’s body is working properly. When you don’t get enough calcium from your diet, your parathyroid gland releases PTH to “find” calcium (PTH stimulates your bones to release calcium into your bloodstream) to keep your blood calcium within the normal range.


Hello @pami
your information is very encouraging. It helped me to feel psychologically better and also makes easier now to choose among therapies. Good luck to you and all participants of this forum!