Hydrocodone/Medical Marijuana

Posted by chilid @chilid, Sep 12, 2018

I'm 62 years old. After 15 years of taking 3200mg of Ibuprofen a day for achilles tendonitis (which damaged my kidneys...before the discovery of ibuprofen's affect on them; in about the year 2000 or so), my Dr switched me to Norco (10mg Hydrocodone, 325 Tylenol...sorry can't seem to spell the generic name). Another 15 years down the road, I started having lower back, hip & knee pain. The Norco has worked wonderfully at relieving the pain. The last couple of years, I've been having trouble sleeping. Can only seem to sleep an hour or two at a time, having to get up for bathroom runs numerous times a night. California in the meantime had legalized medical marijuana. In the sense of full disclosure, I have done pot recreationally since the early '70s, but decreasingly in the last 10 years or so. Now that it's "legal", I started taking edibles as a sleep aid; have not noticed that the marijuana has had any pain relief for me, but as a sleep aid, it's been wonderful. So, Norco for pain, pot for sleep has been my regimen for about the last 15 months, and I've been feeling 25 years younger; no pain, nearly full 8 hours straight a night of sleep. I'm waking fully rested & ready to take on my days. For the first time in the years I've been taking Norco, my Dr had me do a urinalysis, results, of course, showing both the hydrocodone AND the THC in the pot. He gave me an ultimatum: one or the other, but you can't do both (due to DEA laws, etc). At this point, being a somewhat stubborn person, I'm not willing to give up my newly regained increased quality of daily life. What are my options?

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There are no laws that say you cannot do both. I think the CDC has advised drs to be more cautious when prescribing opiates to patients who also us mj, benzos, etc. At the end of the day, the drs. are super nervous about their liability and insurance. I would try to work it out - especially if the dr has been treating you for a long time. Did he/she know about your sleep problems?


I am in intractable pain and bureaucracy runs our medications. I'm in California and use THC oil to sleep. I believe I had about 6 months with tylenol 3 (no offense but it's got no effect on nerve damage). I too had a positive test. It doesn't matter that you're in California. It's federally illegal. I am bed ridden 95% of the time and no one will help. BTW, people are still overdosing. I try the pretend stuff that does zero. Can you private message me somehow? For the person that asked this question. I pray for better days for us all. 🙂


I am in intractable pain and bureaucracy runs our medications. I'm in California and use THC oil to sleep. I believe I had about 6 months with tylenol 3 (no offense but it's got no effect on nerve damage). I too had a positive test. It doesn't matter that you're in California. It's federally illegal. I am bed ridden 95% of the time and no one will help. BTW, people are still overdosing. I try the pretend stuff that does zero. Can you private message me somehow? For the person that asked this question. I pray for better days for us all. 🙂

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I take Duloxitine (Cymbalta) for nerve pain. It works for me. Ask your doctor for a prescription. Good luck. I know how much nerve pain hurts.
Next best thing is very cold compress.


Your doctor can prescribe something to help you sleep. He/she should have offered that to you.


I take Duloxitine (Cymbalta) for nerve pain. It works for me. Ask your doctor for a prescription. Good luck. I know how much nerve pain hurts.
Next best thing is very cold compress.

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Thank you. I am on some anti-depressant perhaps it can be changed to Cymbalta. I am at the beginning of year six. Ice used to work, then it was Chinagel cream and now I try various creams with lidocaine. It seems my body prefers one treatment for while and then it doesn't work anymore. I truly try but it's getting more difficult. Not much left to try. Going to the Mayo Clinic would be impossible due to funding and traveling. My super hypersensitive skin also referred to as Allodynia makes it impossible to wear anything below my waist. When I am forced to go to a doctors appt or something else just as exciting, it's compression shorts and I am always in pain. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.


I also take hydrocodone 10 for chronic back and cervical spine pain, have for 20 years. I also take a flexeril at night to help me sleep. I wake between 2-4 every morning but I think mine is more because my 3 cats wake me for treats. I got up that time when I worked so they got used to it. I'd ask the pain Dr, my primary care prescribes mine, for the muscle relaxers to take at night and see if that helps. Yeah, as soon as you mentioned that I thought about the urine test. The urine test is MOSTLY to see if people take their pain meds as prescribed but will also pick up other drugs. Try just the CBD because it doesn't contain the THC that edibles and other forms of medical Marijuana does. I know some alzheimers patients' family members give the CBD because it calms them and helps them sleep better. I've never heard of not using those 2 together because of a law. I'd Google that.


I use both, as the medical marijuana (Florida) helps me sleep much easier through the night. I prefer the CBD only capsule; it works well and does not cause any feelings of being high, only calmness. It is either more expensive to make or not very popular, because I’ve not been able to find it lately, only the 50/50 blend. It’s not illegal to use both. Many doctors are afraid of the government’s overreach into their treatment plans of patients. You may be able to find another doctor who isn’t afraid once they know of your personal needs and how you are using both products to control your pain. Please don’t give up, we must be our own advocate for quality of life! Each of us is different, we all respond differently to medications. I am constantly trying different medications prescribed by my doctors, who are trying to help. But so many of those drugs have side effects I can’t tolerate. Wishing you the best in your search for relief from pain!


Gee, that's a conundrum for both you and any doctor you see; I am sorry!
Not wanting to change what works well is legitimate, but apparently not lawful.
Move to a more lax state or country, maybe Oregon, Denmark or Costa Rica?
Best wishes!


I take Duloxitine (Cymbalta) for nerve pain. It works for me. Ask your doctor for a prescription. Good luck. I know how much nerve pain hurts.
Next best thing is very cold compress.

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I was involved in that class action lawsuit for Cymbalta. I was having hallucinations at night and this zapping like feeling in my brain. I'd tell my doctor it felt like my brain was being electrocuted. It was hard to explain then I saw the commercial on TV, I'd stopped taking it for months by then, that said if you've experienced shock like symptoms.....I said "that's it, that is exactly what I was having" and the symptoms were documented by my doctor long before the lawsuit appeared. So needless to say, I can't take Cymbalta.


I hear you. I’ve heard recently that some doctors are allowing this bc it works and it is legal , at least in the state. I wonder if you do some research and find doctors that are allowing this your doctor may see the light!
And congratulations.

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Oddly enough The realm of caring is a research group affiliated with Stanley Brothers. So while they do not sell delta 8 they are knee deep in support of its research. Once they get extraction down, it looks to have promise as medicine.

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