Chemo side effects to feet and hands: cold and tight

Posted by ajh5285 @ajh5285, Feb 10, 2023

Role of capillaries?
Not sure which group to post this. That said, I am curious if anyone has yet traveled this trail of bread crumbs looking for potentially useful tips.

Yesterday was the first time I wore some "cold socks" during my Chemo Infusion which must be about the 3rd full infusion. I lose track since my oncologist keeps changing the schedule and amount of drugs she prescribes (I have uncooperative veins, now a port; and an elderly bone marrow that doesn't re-bound very reassuringly after Chemo).

Anyway I'm happy to report that earlier today before I got out of bed, I noticed that my feet didn't feel "tight" as they usually due, especially after Chemo.
I don't know if the "tight" sensation will return later after I've been up moving around and weight bearing, although I am wearing the best footwear I've found to date to protect against the dreaded "percussive" effect.
I've also noticed for the first time some questionable swelling around the wrist bracelet I failed to remember to cut off last night before lying down.
As additional information, I made no attempt to keep my feet chilled overnight, and slept with them positioned only slightly above heart height, and have not had any noticeable effects on my hands, which, interestingly, are typically cold to the touch.

In any case, my interest has been renewed in the subject that is the title of this post, since we have capillaries everywhere in our bodies & I haven't (yet?) found that their role is being investigated

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Hi! I finished chemo and radiation for pancreatic cancer in July, 2018, and the neuropathy with my feet began by the third round. As time progressed the neuropathy spread thru my feet and actually up my legs to just below my knees. I also have neuropathy in my hands. Keep
trying different approaches. I found having weekly injections of Vit B6 helpful and my goal has been to try not and have the neuropathy grow stronger! Over time the gabapentin dosage was reduced and I no longer take it because I experienced no benefits. Please keep sharing your ideas!! I am going to try the ’cold’ approach!! Linda


I have heard from a medical doctor that taking Vit B-Complex helps to prevent neuropathy from chemo. I began taking it a week ago & start my 12 rounds of 5-FU on 3/27. I also gave read that wearing the cold socks & gloves during infusions does help prevent it also. I am terrified mostly of the neuropathy. A friend cannot feel his toes yet, 5 yrs after 5-FU. I feel more afraid of this than dying!



Just found this article regarding neuropathy caused by chemo. Lots of preventive tips in here!

I'll ask my oncologist about the vitamin B. I have neuropathy in my feet and hands. It is worse in my feet but not too terrible. I have been taking Gabapentin.


Has anyone here received chemotherapy with their legs elevated?

Did it have any impact on whether or not "chemo feet" developed after the chemotherapy infusion?

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My husband always has his legs elevated during chemo and he has very bad neuropathy in his feet.


I'll ask my oncologist about the vitamin B. I have neuropathy in my feet and hands. It is worse in my feet but not too terrible. I have been taking Gabapentin.

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Gabapentin is not going to cure the neuropathy. Only for treating the pain & tingling symptoms due to the neuropathy. Wearing cold gloves & cold socks during chemo infusions can possibly ward off the neuropathy. Also Kali Phos, a homeopathic remedy and hypericum perforatum are known to help neuropathy. Homeopathic pellets do not have adverse effects with chemo either. I have always personally been a user & fan of homeopathic remedies. Much easier on your body & organs to use homeopathic pellets than taking more prescription medications.


I also just learned that CBD helps with neuropathy. Heard this on a UCLA symposium recently. Don’t know about what dosage one needs to take. I think the dose would be trial & error for each person. Everyone is different!


Topricin topical cream may be helpful

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