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These are all great questions. You do have to modify your movement with osteoporosis to minimize the risk of fracture. Here are some things I've learned:

~When bending (if you need to pick something off the floor), instead of curling your spine forward, bend deeply at the knees, keeping your back rod straight. Alternatively, you can do what they call the golfer's kick to pick something off the floor but that's a little trickier on balance. Hard to describe the movement but hopefully available on a search.
~Along those same lines, avoid crunches. Important to strengthen your core so you can do toe dips instead. Laying flat on your back you bring your legs to a table top position. Maintaining that table top, touch your toes to the floor. You can do this with both legs together or you can alternate legs (or do a bit of both as they strengthen differently).
~When getting out of bed, don't curl to sit up, roll over onto your side with knees bent, keeping your back straight push yourself up to sitting with your hands.
~When twisting or side bending, go gently and not to full range.
It's a bit of a learning curve and sadly, we have to think about it all the time to try and keep safe.

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Replies to "These are all great questions. You do have to modify your movement with osteoporosis to minimize..."

You provided a nice over of movements to avoid. A few ideas that are helpful. Good posture is a must in all that you do. Don’t just think about your shoulders back , but also think of maintaining distance between your rib cage and pelvis. Work on spine extension strengthening along with shoulder exercises where you bring your scapulas( shoulder blades) in to your spine and down. Prone extension like babies do that a lot when laying on their bellies. People sometimes refer to it as the airplane position. Strengthening your spinal muscles are very important. As you do exercises that puts tension on the spine it affects the bone , ie building bone quality and density.