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Who else is gonna kick P C'S ass?

Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Mar 19, 2023 | Replies (10)

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I was 60 years old when I had my RALP last August. I spent 1 night in hospital. Got up and walked twice after surgery. One time only a few steps. Second time to hospital room door. No real pain. Second day walked all around hospital floor and then was sent home. Catheter for 8 days. Annoying but not painful. First night my wife emptied large bag for me as I was not able to bend very well. After this I handled. Took some OTC Tylenol but pain very minimal. I was surprised as to how little discomfort I had as this was my first surgery. Eat light the first week and make sure you are taking Colace for bowel movements. I was walking around the house regularly the first week. Never used small bag as I was filling up large bag every few hours. My shoulders were sore. The Doctors say it is from the gas they pump into you during surgery. I think it os partly from being on the operating table that is being pivoted all around for the robotic surgery. Who knows. The removal of the catheter was painless and very liberating. Lol. No real issues with incontinence. Wore depends Depends for a month and switched to pads after for another 2 months. Honestly, after the first 2 weeks I didn't need anything but I didn't want to take a chance. You'll get through the operation fine. Good luck with everything.

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Replies to "I was 60 years old when I had my RALP last August. I spent 1 night..."

Im glad yours went that smoothly, and I thank you for the replay! I am anticipating the same results, my urologist is very confident that mine is a very straight forward case.