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Alfred my first name is Jules. Your trapezius muscles are fed by nerves from C3-4 vertebrae and in part your MRI shows the following
“ C3/C4:
Minimal broad base central and bilateral lateral disc bulging with
associated minimal right intervertebral foramina stenosis
Broad-based central and right lateral disc bulging with associated
moderate right intervertebral foraminal stenosis
Disc bulging resulting in moderate bilateral intervertebral foraminal
Right lateral/foraminal disc bulging resulting in moderate right
intervertebral foramina stenosis

[No protuberant osteophyte, disc bulging, spinal canal stenosis or
neural foramina stenosis.]
Multilevel disc bulging and multilevel intervertebral foraminal stenosis.
Notice all the mention of stenosis for each segment. This stenosis is compressing on the nerves feeding your painful areas. These can be opened with surgery to provide relief.

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Replies to "Alfred my first name is Jules. Your trapezius muscles are fed by nerves from C3-4 vertebrae..."

Thanks Jules.

But while I am waiting I am feeling a massive burning sensation around from c7/t1 area. I am not really sure if the pain is really coming from there but that is where there is a lump that hurts continually and bad.

None of the medications are fully managing the psin like before.
When that spot hurts I also feel referred pain in my left trap, shoulder, arm, palm, thumb, index finger, middle, 4th and 5th intermittently.
I am not sure how I am going to cope over the next month until I see the new pain management doctor. Next week I will have the C6 steroid injection. There will many other injections I believe until the points of pain will be identified.

Hi Jules,

when you are talking about surgery do you mean the full fusion or just foraminotomy?
I would prefer a laminoplasty if it were suitable but I can't find much on this in Melbourne.

My pain management doctor wrote to my GP. He is advising this cocktail of drugs for me.
Is this too much? 🤔

Recent excerpt from my pain management doctor
• Diclofenac 50mg nocte
• Endep 10mg nocte
• Pregabalin 75mg nocte
• Clonidine 50mcg nocte
• Targin 10/5mg nocte
Today, Alfred reported that current analgesic medicines are providing insufficient benefit (which is in contrast to earlier reports of 75% pain benefit). I have asked Alfred to see you for consideration of increasing Targin to 10/5mg bd, increasing Clonidine to 100mcg nocte, and increasing Endep to 25mg nocte. If increased dose of Endep is well-tolerated, then after 1 week you may consider increasing it further to 50mg nocte. Otherwise, Alfred is awaiting left C5/6 transforaminal injection through radiology services. He has cancelled this procedure on two occasion already because of uncontrollable pain which would prevent him for lying still for the procedure – accordingly, I will write to TAC requesting approval for an anaesthetist to provide sedation for Alfred to receive left C5/6 transforaminal injection .