← Return to PMR: Are there treatment alternatives to Prednisone?

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Hello @kathyjb, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @sususi, @redboat, @claude67 and others. You will notice that we moved your post to an existing discussion on the same topic so that you can read what other members have shared here:
--- Alternative to Prednisone for Treating PMR?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/alternative-to-prednisone/.

I've had two occurrences of PMR, the first lasting 3 and half years, the second lasting 1 and half years, both with a starting dose of 20 mg prednisone. The second time was shorter due to what I believe was changing my lifestyle which included losing some weight, eating healthier - less processed foods, sugar and inflammatory foods and exercising more.

Have you looked into any lifestyle changes which might also help?

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Replies to "Hello @kathyjb, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @sususi, @redboat, @claude67..."

Was just diagnosed Sonja ent tried much yet. I did give into some simple ibuprofen gel caps today and had less pain. Best day I’ve had in many weeks. I also doubled the Lorazapam I have taken only at night for sleep for years. I always take 1mg, but last night with it at 2mg along with 400mg Ibuprofen…I slept much better and was not awakened by pain.