← Return to Excruciating chronic left side neck pain plus lumbar issues

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I read your MRI and your neck is a sorry state of affairs, I am sorry. Since you’re on Targiniq ER I suggest you speak with your pain doctor and see if you can switch to Buprenorphine (Butrans) Patch changed every 7 days, which provides 24/7 pain relief without you needing to to take a pill. I switched from Morphine Sulfate ER pills to buprenorphine and the effect is very noticeable. It is a similar composition to Targin but without the naloxone. Are you planning to have surgery or are they recommending it? I don’t know how old you are but I stopped working in 2016 due to my lumbar back ailments and generalized spinal problems. I developed leg problems and neck problems from sitting at a computer and using a laptop as a road warrior for too many years. With your neck issues I’m surprised you’re still computing at all.

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Replies to "I read your MRI and your neck is a sorry state of affairs, I am sorry...."

Hi Jenatsky,

I am 66, I used to be super fit for 20 years riding the push bike and doing gym regularly.

In the last 10 years I was run over by 2 negligent drivers that caused injuries.

I tried the patch before but it didn't help much.

The tablets are taking long to act, My stomach is taking long to absorb them.

The last few days my neck has been burning bad on both sides. The left is more critical and feeling also numb and very painful. I can't manage the pain. Last night I was heavily sedated but still woke up this morning at 4 am and couldn't sleep anymore.

The numbness is spreading to the groin, leg and left foot and toes.

I had an appointment booked with another neurosurgeon on 22 March then they rang me the other day to tell me the doctor had family issues and won't be available till 17 of May, another 2 months to wait after having waited 2 months already.

All these events are affecting my mental health and don't know how to cope daily.

I am praying for something good to happen. I want to live mate, I don't want to deteriorate.
