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Thank you! I’m trying to have a very positive outlook for this, but I just keep reading about the pain afterward. I just keep thinking that I’ll just try to keep walking as much as permissible, and listen to my dancing music and have the sun shining in my windows to keep me motivated. I know they say to listen to soothing music that relaxes you and calms you , but I prefer the other. Thank you for the good thoughts, and I hope you are good now. Did you have any PT for the nerve pain?

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Replies to "Thank you! I’m trying to have a very positive outlook for this, but I just keep..."

Hi. I did not have any PT for the nerve pain.
Also, following the surgeries, the pain was very dependent on movement and sitting/laying position. Once I got into a comfortable spot, it wasn't bad. For me, getting in and out of bed was even a challenge due to the movement and incision pain. but after a couple weeks it wasn't an issue. And I dreaded anytime I had to cough or sneeze . Ouch!
Where are you located and which hospital will be doing your surgery?