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How to go about getting your films? Who has them? They always seem to “get lost “ is it the hospital? Is it my PCP? Is it my cardiovascular surgeon who doesn’t want to hear from me until next year? Does he has to give them to me without insulting him? Should I care?
My PCP works out of a clinic and is not affiliated with any hospital.

Our visits are approximately 10 minutes every 3 months and he has a tendency to talk over me and doesn’t show genuine interest in my issues as he doesn’t give me time to mention my concerns.

It’s just yeah yeah you’ll be fine see you in 3 months. And his staff takes over to inject me with a flu vaccine and weight me and take my vitals. The whole visit takes about 15 minutes if you include the flu vaccine.

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Replies to "Question How to go about getting your films? Who has them? They always seem to “get..."

In my experience, you can ask for a disk copy of your images at the time they are taken. Otherwise they are at the location where they were taken. Obtaining a copy of them after however often requires making a written request thru radiology records Dept. Many hospitals + imaging services now have direct computer viewing access to images by other medical + outside experts. This is arranged without transfer of actual disk copies. It's computer viewing. When you select a 2nd opinion source, you can ask them if they participate in this tech option. Authorization for release is still required and can be done online.