Mom hospitalized for shortness of breath and chest pain

Posted by amy @asugent, Mar 7, 2023

My mom was just about to start her final week of radiation for pc Mets to ovary/bladder wall. She fainted at home. Is complaining of weakness, dizziness, loss of appetite, and crushing pain in left chest. Heart work up is normal. Bloodwork was relatively normal until this morning when WBC and RBC appeared quite low. Platelets are fine. No one at hospital seems to know what’s going on. Oncology put her on steroids for suspected pneumonitis perhaps caused by Gemzar, but she’s still feeling awful even after course of antibiotics. CT of lungs shows ground glass opacity and a new lung nodule coalescing with another. My mom does have a history of sarcoidosis, but naturally lung Mets can’t be ruled out. I’m terrified this is the beg of the end. Anyone out there with insight or similar situations?

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My mom is on Gemcidabine and radiation therapy for mets to ovary/bladder. Today it was discovered that the chemo is causing pneumonia. Anyone have any experience with this? I wonder what her options are now that she can no longer have chemo. They are going ahead with radiation. Thanks in advance.


My mom is on Gemcidabine and radiation therapy for mets to ovary/bladder. Today it was discovered that the chemo is causing pneumonia. Anyone have any experience with this? I wonder what her options are now that she can no longer have chemo. They are going ahead with radiation. Thanks in advance.

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Pneumonia could be a chemical reaction with inflammation of the lung rather than an infection. You should be able to get more information about the type of pneumonia that she has, should be able to Google for information if you have more exact terminology and you are not getting a good explanation.


Pneumonia could be a chemical reaction with inflammation of the lung rather than an infection. You should be able to get more information about the type of pneumonia that she has, should be able to Google for information if you have more exact terminology and you are not getting a good explanation.

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Oncologists said pneumonitis due to Gemzar but a course of steroids and 3 weeks off chemo and she still feels awful. I just posted a new thread as she is now in the hospital.


My Dad's had low red blood cell count, and ping-pong white blood cell count for the last 3 or so years, but only cancer for the last year.

He had dizziness and fainting issues while he was mid chemo with folfirinox. We are still unsure if that was due to the chemo, the oncoming sepsis from his kidney stones blocking up his ureters, or what. He had some REALLY low blood pressure episodes. He has COPD and asthma, so there's probably not much correlation between his issues and what her issues on. But he has made it 7 months since having his last black-out collapse issue. They aren't sure 100% what causes his low red blood cell count but they are still attributing it to anemia.


@asugent, how is your mom doing?

@ihatesnowinindiana, how is your dad doing?


Much better, thank you for asking. They’re still not sure what happens but best guess is pneumonitis caused by Gemzar. She is home and feeling good. 2 more radiation treatments to go! Then a CT to see if treatments worked (most terrifying part) and hopefully surgery to “mop up” as her oncologist said. Here’s hoping!


Much better, thank you for asking. They’re still not sure what happens but best guess is pneumonitis caused by Gemzar. She is home and feeling good. 2 more radiation treatments to go! Then a CT to see if treatments worked (most terrifying part) and hopefully surgery to “mop up” as her oncologist said. Here’s hoping!

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Wonderful to hear that your Mom is doing better. I am sure that you are a great blessing to her.

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