How long was the time between diagnosis to surgery for you?

Posted by maya8238 @maya8238, Dec 12, 2022

Was diagnosed on 11/18 with colon cancer. My surgery is on 1/31. It’s not spread to other organs as seen in Ct scan. I’m
Just curious to how long it took for others to get a surgery date. Mine is 2 months and two weeks. I don’t know if that’s good or way too long to wait. They have nothing earlier available.

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Did they say why they recommend removing section? Is there suspicious tissue? A structure? When they say sections, that means they are recommending a bowel resection, not removal. So that’s a positive. Do you have access to a Mayo Clinic or MD Anderson? I saw both and had surgery at MD Anderson because our insurance did not cover Mayo. One thing I will say is having the surgery as a planned surgery is always better than waiting and doing it on an emergent basis. Because I had a partial obstruction, I could not edit long, but still had to wait almost a month. During that time, I had to live on a very soft diet. It was nerve wracking and stressful.
Surgery is never a fun option, but I’ve had multiple surgeries and the recovery from the planned ones has always been easier than the ones done as emergency.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond. I see My Dr this week and he will go over my tests. He has a scan scheduled and I assume additional blood work. He only mentioned things were not in good condition and that parts look as though they need to be removed and then re attached hopefully the connecting tissue is good enough to use and has no bag but will only know once they open me up.
I have the Moffit Cancer center close by and they do second opinions, so after discussing the situation with my primary and my GI, I feel I will get a 2nd opinion and go from there, but first, I need the tests and scans.

appreciate your response.


I went to Memorial Sloan Kettering on February 2 and had colorectal surgery on February 12…good result— stage 1, no chemo.


My answer is CANCER doesn't wait. My hubby had bladder cancer and they wanted to send him to Emory Clinic in Atlanta, and there was a two month waiting period which I was not about to deal with. Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, took him the next week did tests, etc.


I went to Memorial Sloan Kettering on February 2 and had colorectal surgery on February 12…good result— stage 1, no chemo.

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I was diagnosed with Colectoral Cancer on Oct 26th 2022 and had emergency surgery on Oct 28th.
For over a year my family dr was telling me that the psin I was having down my rt side and into abdomin was a pulled muscle. Only twsts he did was an ultrasound of my Rt Kidney and Chest Xray. Refused to send me to another dr gor 2nd opinion.
Now he say's my hemoglobin showed I had a low chance of having cancer. Supposedly feels terrible. I had a CT scan done beginning of Feb and cancer has now spread to liver and muscle in Rt groin. I wish I had the option to go to another Dr. However our healthcare is terrible and there is a list with thousands of names of ppl waiting to get a Dr. There is so much I would like to say to him, but have to bite my tongue.


I was diagnosed with Colectoral Cancer on Oct 26th 2022 and had emergency surgery on Oct 28th.
For over a year my family dr was telling me that the psin I was having down my rt side and into abdomin was a pulled muscle. Only twsts he did was an ultrasound of my Rt Kidney and Chest Xray. Refused to send me to another dr gor 2nd opinion.
Now he say's my hemoglobin showed I had a low chance of having cancer. Supposedly feels terrible. I had a CT scan done beginning of Feb and cancer has now spread to liver and muscle in Rt groin. I wish I had the option to go to another Dr. However our healthcare is terrible and there is a list with thousands of names of ppl waiting to get a Dr. There is so much I would like to say to him, but have to bite my tongue.

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I had no idea I had colon cancer. No symptoms except my yearly blood work came back with a hemoglobin of 8.
Doctor told me to have a colposcopy. They found cecum cancer.
Had CT and they found two nodules on my lungs. Not related to my colon cancer.
I then had a PET scan.. they lit up slightly…then a broncoscopy for biopsy.
I have 2 typical carcinoid tumors. Very small right now. Doc says these don’t spread, just grow larger in place.
So, surgery to have right colon removed scheduled for March 30.
When I recover from that, I’ll have the carcinoids resected.
I am 71 and never had anything wrong..
Now I have two cancer surgeries to look forward to!


I was diagnosed at the start of June last year. Ileostomy done mid September last year. Surgeon injured my right kidney and I have a stent but need an op soon. Constant UTIs.


Hi Everyone
I am South African and live in Johannesburg.
I had a colonoscopy on Thursday 11 August 2022 Gastroenterologist found a tumor. Biopsies were taken and the following day I was informed that it was malignant. My doctor said I needed surgery asap and he put me in touch with the top laprascopic doctor in the country. I was admitted on Monday 15th August and sent for CT scan with contrast- which was clear Bloods were pulled as well- also clear
surgery was done that afternoon. I had a right hemicolectomy.
I started preventative/precautionary chemotherapy called FOLFOX on 19 September
2022. It's been vicious and I am bed ridden for 10 days after each treatment. The Neupogen made me feel like my bones were exploding..
I'm one of the minority of people who responds very badly but I am managing my symptoms with Tramadol, ondansetron and imodium.
It's not easy but it's a small price to pay for my health.

Sending strength and courage to you all.
Dr. Keely Owen

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Hi Keely, I am living in Cape Town. How is your recovery going? I was operated on last week to remove my tumour. I can't believe it I am up and about like nothing has happened (except feeling like I've been fly-kicked in the stomach). We do have great private healthcare here. If you ever want to chat, please get in contact. All the best, Tracy x

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