Reaction to bone building medications

Posted by barndiva214 @barndiva214, Mar 5, 2023

Just started on Evenity injections. It’s been 3 weeks and I am almost immobile. I am 2 mos out of back surgery…was doing great, walking 1+ miles post op, building up to regular walking schedule. Then the injections…….has anyone ever had this problem?

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@barndiva214 what do you mean by "almost immobile:? Pain, stiffness, weakness? I wonder if this effect is related to an interaction between Evenity and such a recent surgery, presumably involving your spine. Have you asked your doctor? Let us know! Some of us are considering Evenity.


I am sorry this has happened to you but appreciate your post as my doctor from Mayo Clinic Rochester recommended this to me and I am already having pain and immobility issues, so this would prove to be disastrous for me.
Whatever information you get please post it on this site as you could save many of us what you are going through.
What I do know about this drug is that is is relatively “ new” in other words less than five years out. The FDA wants a report at five years regarding the results of this drug which it doesn’t have. We do not know the long term results. That puts the patient at a gross disadvantage.


Thank you for your kind words. I have decided to quit taking the injections.

You are right on the FDA info…I read that it had been turned down for approval until they changed the age limit. My opinion is there is not enough information on this drug. Had I known it would sideline me…I would never have started down this road. I’m just hoping it gets out of my system soon…..

Good Luck on your journey


@barndiva214 what do you mean by "almost immobile:? Pain, stiffness, weakness? I wonder if this effect is related to an interaction between Evenity and such a recent surgery, presumably involving your spine. Have you asked your doctor? Let us know! Some of us are considering Evenity.

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I can barely walk….Yes, it was spine surgery. Before surgery I could walk and do things around the house. Since the injections I can hardly stand at times.

I have decided to suspend the injections….. hoping these will work out of my system and I can get going again.
Had I known it would hit me like this I never would have started
Still waiting on a call back from my Rheumatologist.

Good Luck on your journey.


Awful! Hope you get relief after the medicine clears your system.
Thank you for posting about Evenity


A year ago it seems people were posting on forums about Evenity as being effective and having fewer side effects that some of the other meds. Lately it seems more are posting about side effects. I would not base my decision on forum posts, though they do provide good information for questions and caution. Evenity "turbocharges" (as one article put it) bone growth because it apparently has the dual action of bone building and anti-resorption.

There are other bone builders, Forteo and Tymlos, that we can also try. I chose Tymlos and started with a low dose and built up, to avoid side effects as much as possible.


I took 3 months of the Evenity shots and then I started having racing heart episodes with heart beats that swung from 230 beats per minute to 90 beats per minute, back and forth, all while I got very dizzy and lightheaded. Ended up being taken to the ER in one episode when I fainted. I was diagnosed as having arryhthmia of the heart and given an ablation procedure. It helped reduce the extreme arrythmia episodes, but I still get racing heart conditions whenever I do any kind of physical activity. I have stopped the Evenity shots since they definitely seem to be the culprit that started these reactions.

I never got any pain though, so the doctors think I don't have any blockages in my arteries. Perhaps if I did, I might have had a heart attack or stroke.

This has definitely impacted my life since I cannot do anything without triggering a high heart beat episode. Swimming, running, dancing are all problematic now. I cannot even drive for fear of a fainting episode.


I took 3 months of the Evenity shots and then I started having racing heart episodes with heart beats that swung from 230 beats per minute to 90 beats per minute, back and forth, all while I got very dizzy and lightheaded. Ended up being taken to the ER in one episode when I fainted. I was diagnosed as having arryhthmia of the heart and given an ablation procedure. It helped reduce the extreme arrythmia episodes, but I still get racing heart conditions whenever I do any kind of physical activity. I have stopped the Evenity shots since they definitely seem to be the culprit that started these reactions.

I never got any pain though, so the doctors think I don't have any blockages in my arteries. Perhaps if I did, I might have had a heart attack or stroke.

This has definitely impacted my life since I cannot do anything without triggering a high heart beat episode. Swimming, running, dancing are all problematic now. I cannot even drive for fear of a fainting episode.

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So sorry you have been through this. My personal opinion a product that produces a life changing reaction should be banned. My side effects are slowly leaving. Good Luck on your journey.

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