Hi JS... I could be your grandma! I love your picture. You

Posted by Bettyann @bettyann, May 20, 2012

Hi JS... I could be your grandma! I love your picture. You are such a handsome young man. I am glad you have such a wonderful young son...that's great. I just want you to know YOU CAN MAKE IT!!...and do a good job of it too... Just don't be too hard on yourself. We are ALL making continuous mistakes (or we think that anyway! :)
Hang out with people that you enjoy and make you feel good when you are around them....
Have a good Sunday and upcoming week!
Bettyann @jsparks

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Hi JS. Just letting you know that youv'e been in my thoughts since last time we talked I hope all is a little easier for you. I know that your little dude is keeping that smile on your face. Let me know how things are going, always here if you need me. Piglit


Well Thank you soooo much. I just now am taking my first break today, be using y anxiety/ frustration/ lack of patience to use and just cleaned today, and it felt really good, and then to see you message just as I begin checking emails, it just really touched my heart. Thank you very much for making my day that much brighter!! Today has been a good day tomorrow will be better and this week will be the week things come together I just know it!!! 🙂 SOOO nice to meet you, I am pretty new to this forum but really like it so far

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