← Return to Metastic prostate Cancer Survivors - longevity and quality of life

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I was on leupron/eligard intermittent since 2017, w my Urologist targeting to keep my PSA below 5, which worked until early 2022, when I & a 30+ PSA convinced the Urologist to order some scans, last about 5 years prior with ND conclusion. The 2022 scans showed massive metastasis to Stage 4. Oncologist prescribed leupron every 12 weeks like a clock, bicalimate, & zometa infusions. PSA dropped to mid 3.0s & was trending down, but I calced it would take 8 years to achieve his 0 PSA target. Started Xtandi on Jan 1, 2023 & PSA dropped to .77 in 5 weeks and .5 in 7 weeks.
Radiologist report on Bone Scan several weeks ago in comparison with prior showed some lessions actually slipped into ND. Nothing quantifiable, would have preferred some stats, but all good & offered to do an Irish jig for my Oncologist, aka "The General". He seems to be of the same "don't mess with success" school as other commenter. Some fatigue, but a new puppy and phys therapist r helping work thru this. I would say u have to expect some fatigue, especially w Xtandi. The leupron makes me moody at the beginning & end of the 12 week cycle. I used to have moderate body hair, no more; better than waxing. Basically a unic now, but I am alive feel better than at stage 4 diagnosis a year ago. Asking my liberal friends what pronoun I should use. The General dropped the biclimate (sp). I think you need to have some kind of exercise routine before signing up for any PC chemo regime. If you want to stretch your Stage 4 survivorship, you have to accept some downside & unfortunately drop many of your high impact/high risk recreation pursuits. That has been most difficult for me, but I am slowly coming to accept the new rules for life. The good news is you make the rules, but hopefully have competent professionals in helping u weigh the tradeoffs.
Gary M,
Gleason 4/3, OD 2010

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Replies to "I was on leupron/eligard intermittent since 2017, w my Urologist targeting to keep my PSA below..."

Thanks for the info, as the new kid on the block appreciate all personal information regarding Xtandi and Eligard. Heard that Xtandi was labeled the miracle drug. Will find out in 2 weeks if psa has dropped below 0.4. Ya know it us interesting how your other half becomes your best friend and not your lover once you are treated for prostate cancer. I have had a best friend now since 2010.