Anyone suffering hypersensitive skin with a diagnosed SFN?

Posted by mpr @mpr, Mar 6, 2023

I was diagnosed with immune mediated Small Fibre Neuropathy in my early 60s following worsening burning sensations in my feet.

I hadn’t associated it with a long term (30 years) problem with skin hypersensitivity whereby I react to many forms of chemical or fabric by generalised soreness and acute discomfort all over my body; no rash or redness.

It’s come and gone but returned with a vengeance after an osteoporosis injection and I wondered if anyone suffers similarly?

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Hello @mpr, Welcome to Connect. While we wait for members with experience to respond, I'm wondering the symptoms returning with a vengeance might be related to the osteoporosis injection or medication itself. Pain in extremities is one of the adverse side effects.

Have you discussed the symptoms with your doctor?


Thanks John - yes, it’s Denosumab and I have seen the Doctor. Skin reactions to the drug are normally around the site of the injection apparently as a rash or eczema patch. Mine is a generalised discomfort all over the body (especially upper leg) and no rash or redness.

I’ve had it before but only just occurred to me it may be part of the SFN but no idea what to do about it! Antihistamines don’t seem to help.


Hi @mpr, I have had hypersensitive skin for years, longer than I have had any obvious neuropathy issues. About 8 years ago my body went nuts - itchy all over, sores in my mouth, etc. Allergy testing came back with a ton of stuff, food, chemicals, etc. that my body no longer tolerated. Things like common chemicals in toothpaste (mouth sores), hand soap (itchy hands, wrists), neoprene (knee brace), black pepper (goodbye restaurants). Of course, now it is back again - currently an itchy place on my lower leg. It does not respond to OTC itch medications, nor prescription steroid creams (compounded because of the above). I can get some temporary relief with either menthol creams (hate the smell but not allergic) or with peppermint oil which both get the nerve to report cold sensations for a time and sometimes that is enough to give relief longer, other times not so much.

I also have periods of allodynia which make nerve itchiness seem trivial when they are happening. The last was my dominant thumb - nothing could touch it without severe pain for about 3 days - I could apply either the menthol or peppermint and get use of my thumb for a few minutes (it would feel totally normal for those few minutes) before it reverted back to pain. I am guessing that was something akin to nerve death as my thumb lost some sensation after that. Joy.


@mpr I've always had sensitive skin (rashes, eczema, dermatitis, acne), but hadn't thought of it connecting to my SFN. It's certainly possible. I am 52 and trying to use lotions and creams to manage my different irritated spots but I haven't made it back to a dermatologist in years for a proper DX.


....all sounds horrible and a lot to cope with; i was diagnozed with p.n. after taking antibiotic in Quinoline family, but thankfully lower legs/feet and lower arms/hands but have other issues/illnesses but last June burning cheeks! Started right side then left then nose and now goes down neck mainly right side... so am reading your comments with interest as maybe all connected to p.n? Sometimes face red sometimes not but burning on and off and right now and not sure why..... where i live waited 5 months to see dermatologist but he doesnt know, recommended a cream but too mean side effects and putting cream on face around already sore eyes from glaucoma etc., i bought some little round gel filled pads not kept in freezer but just fridge and holding to face initially hurts but does seem to help the burning/stinging - would cold, not frozen, pads help anyone? Of course, not a cure unfortunately, for any but maybe some temporary relief and as someone said my body seems to have gone haywire and I never had hot/cold reactions etc., and trying new soap toothpaste, even new pillow; waiting to see neurologist but losing hope of getting help.... thoughts with everyone... oops now my right arm burning like a flame... ugh... I think IF knew what it was, diagnosis, might help but could be "anything." J.

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