PNET Surgery: My recovery journey

Posted by outlawcancer @outlawcancer, Feb 25, 2023

Hello everyone, yesterday on February 24,2023 I underwent a distal pancrectomy and a spleenectomy. I am am posting this comment from my hospital room. I arrived at the hospital at 5:15 Am for registration and I was taken in by the pre-op staff for preparation…as I walked in the area I was in had numerous bays with beds ready for the next person to have surgery.. the anesthesiologist came and spoke to, he then left and came back and began administering meds to call me down, I kid you not, minutes later I woke up in the recovery room. I don’t even remember them wheeling me into the operating room. So here is my post op experience so far. I’m am currently experiencing mid and lower abdominal pain 7/10 severity. The nurses her have been helpful. They’ve administered morphine, Tylenol etc… my surgery was done laparoscopically I have about 6 portholes in my belly and a tube coming out upper midsection for secretion of the pancreatic fluids. They also have these pads on the lower portion of my leg which massages me about every minute or so alternating legs. This was done to prevent blood clotting of any sort…last but not least the old dreaded catheter/foley that’s in my bladder. I have to say my throat is sore from the tube they had in me during surgery.. I can tell you that coughing, moving around is painful for me at least. This is why they administer drugs to keep the pain at bay.. remember they just removed my spleen and half or more of my pancreas.. of course no big appetites or anything like that. I been drink ice water and chewing on ice chips. All these meds tend to dry out mouth. Later around the 10 pm the nurses helped me up and I walked a lap on the hospital floor I am at. So far i have experienced some pain in the belly part of it is probably gas pain as well. Whoever is goin though this procedure just prep yourself mentally and physically it’s not that bad you will be ok. if anyone needs more info please feel free to contact me… I will try to add more details and updates through the day or days to come.

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Hi @kim1965

I'm sorry to hear that today was a rough day for Kim. It sounds as if the hospital was diligent in finding the problem and correcting it with the heparin. Meds to thin the blood are important when you are hospitalized and will be in bed for a prolonged period of time.

Is she still on an IV for nutrition? Has there been any discussion on when she might start with liquids or a soft diet?

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Today she is still on IV Fed nutrition, started transitioning from just ice chips to Italian Ice and apple juice. Seems to be tolerating it.


Today she is still on IV Fed nutrition, started transitioning from just ice chips to Italian Ice and apple juice. Seems to be tolerating it.

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That's good that she is tolerating the added juice and Italian Ice. It helps to get some regular nutrition rather than just depending on an IV.

I look forward to hearing how Kim is progressing. Will you keep posting updates?


Wonderful news! Fingers crossed for a good path report and that all mets are removed.
Let the recovery begin!

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Hello @pavlina60,

I appreciate your update. Are you home now? Are you able to eat more?


Today she is still on IV Fed nutrition, started transitioning from just ice chips to Italian Ice and apple juice. Seems to be tolerating it.

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Day 4 update - as she transitioned from ice chips to Italian ice and Apple juice, a lot of adjustments to her diabetes medications in getting her dialed in to being without tail of pancreas. Using blood clotting medication intermittently. Progressing from short walks to laps around hospital floor. Pain level very manageable up to this point. Surgeon is discussing continuing Cap/Tem chemo after healing to continue to try to reduce the molecular tumors still left in right lobe of liver. With possibility of removing right lobe of liver in the future.


Day 4 update - as she transitioned from ice chips to Italian ice and Apple juice, a lot of adjustments to her diabetes medications in getting her dialed in to being without tail of pancreas. Using blood clotting medication intermittently. Progressing from short walks to laps around hospital floor. Pain level very manageable up to this point. Surgeon is discussing continuing Cap/Tem chemo after healing to continue to try to reduce the molecular tumors still left in right lobe of liver. With possibility of removing right lobe of liver in the future.

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Tell the wifey to hang in there. She will be fine to keep fighting on. Just an fyi, I was sent home with 23 self injectable blood thinners. I am doing ok at 9 days post op. But I have to say that I’m having some gut issues: lots of gas, and diarrhea. Lot gut related pains. I can’t seem to figure it out. Could be not enough enzymes etc…. Nevertheless keep pushing forward with the wife it will get better with time rest and healing.


Hello @pavlina60,

I appreciate your update. Are you home now? Are you able to eat more?

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Yes! I had the GJ tube removed Friday (3/3) - never used it, but had to wait for the sutures to decompose. Cleared to eat pretty much everything, just in small portions! Had my first salad with 2 pcs of red radish and 4 slices of cucumbers last evening. No issues! My onco appt is this Tuesday, will see what he will say - Probably starting the Lanreotide ( or similar). 4 wks after surgery - still have not gone outside walking, no driving yet. Guess my invasive surgery needed more recovery time...I' ll take it! My husband is very supportive and helpful in any occasions, for whom I am thankfull!
May God put His arms around you all and help you heal!


Yes! I had the GJ tube removed Friday (3/3) - never used it, but had to wait for the sutures to decompose. Cleared to eat pretty much everything, just in small portions! Had my first salad with 2 pcs of red radish and 4 slices of cucumbers last evening. No issues! My onco appt is this Tuesday, will see what he will say - Probably starting the Lanreotide ( or similar). 4 wks after surgery - still have not gone outside walking, no driving yet. Guess my invasive surgery needed more recovery time...I' ll take it! My husband is very supportive and helpful in any occasions, for whom I am thankfull!
May God put His arms around you all and help you heal!

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That is great that you are able to eat what you want, @pavlina60. Yes, small meals are the best right now. It is great that your husband is so supportive. That means so much!

Your appointment on Tuesday should help you with understanding your treatment and follow up. What do you need to know at the appointment with the oncologist? Do you have some questions prepared for this appointment?


Today she is still on IV Fed nutrition, started transitioning from just ice chips to Italian Ice and apple juice. Seems to be tolerating it.

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Day 6 update - we got a nice surprise, the surgeon ok’d Kim to go home today. Slowly teaching body, how to eat again slowly. Pain is manageable with Tylenol. As there is still some tumors on the right lob, although too small to remove, she will resume Cap/Temp chemo to continue reducing what’s left. Time to heal then the fight continues hopefully more on just a maintenance level.


Tell the wifey to hang in there. She will be fine to keep fighting on. Just an fyi, I was sent home with 23 self injectable blood thinners. I am doing ok at 9 days post op. But I have to say that I’m having some gut issues: lots of gas, and diarrhea. Lot gut related pains. I can’t seem to figure it out. Could be not enough enzymes etc…. Nevertheless keep pushing forward with the wife it will get better with time rest and healing.

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Thank you so much in sharing your journey, please keep in touch, and we can share as we both continue to heal.


Day 6 update - we got a nice surprise, the surgeon ok’d Kim to go home today. Slowly teaching body, how to eat again slowly. Pain is manageable with Tylenol. As there is still some tumors on the right lob, although too small to remove, she will resume Cap/Temp chemo to continue reducing what’s left. Time to heal then the fight continues hopefully more on just a maintenance level.

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You guys are on the way to the top of the world! Keep fighting on, you will get past this. Positive attitude, thoughts and know that you will win!

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