PSA remains after treatment (surgery, Eligard and radiation)

Posted by vjlvpjalways @vjlvpjalways, Mar 2, 2023

Post prostatectomy 90days
PSA 0.331
Started Eligard 30 days post
PSA 0.059
39 salvage radiation 2 weeks post
PSA 0.024

Is Eligard not working ?
scheduled to see Urologist 1 week..

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On Xtandi or enzalutamide and PSA dropped to 4.0 from 9.8 in a month

MRI showed its in spinal but being controlled


vjlvpjalways, curious what your diagnosis was prior to radical prostatectomy? I have my 90-day post prostatectomy coming up next week at Mayo-Rochester and I'm trying to prepare myself for positive or negative news. I was Gleason 7 (4/3), negative margins, no invasion of lymph nodes (based on prostatectomy pathology)

Best of luck with your current and any future treatments.


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Hammer101: Best wishes for good PSA news next week.
My last preop PSA was taken 4 mos before surgery and was 7.5 (up from 5.9 & 5.7 prior year, so undoubtedly higher at time of surgery in August 2022).
Postop path: Bad news; Gleason 9 (and 8s) and nonfocal Extraprostatic Extension (EPE).
Better news; clear surgical margins, 4 lymph nodes and seminal vesicules.
Was really hoping for, and anticipating, good PSA at 90 days; with recurrence sometime in the "future".
Disappointing reality; 90 day PSA 0.19 (30 day retest 0.18).
Now 3 weeks into 4 mos Orgovyx and scheduled to begin 38 radiation txs Match 10.
And again, on the Gerbil wheel of hope.
I think that all of us want to know "numbers" and to take hope in other's experiences.
I have 3 friends with Geason 4+3 who have had undetectable PSA 90 days postop, and hope that is the result for you.


Hammer101: Best wishes for good PSA news next week.
My last preop PSA was taken 4 mos before surgery and was 7.5 (up from 5.9 & 5.7 prior year, so undoubtedly higher at time of surgery in August 2022).
Postop path: Bad news; Gleason 9 (and 8s) and nonfocal Extraprostatic Extension (EPE).
Better news; clear surgical margins, 4 lymph nodes and seminal vesicules.
Was really hoping for, and anticipating, good PSA at 90 days; with recurrence sometime in the "future".
Disappointing reality; 90 day PSA 0.19 (30 day retest 0.18).
Now 3 weeks into 4 mos Orgovyx and scheduled to begin 38 radiation txs Match 10.
And again, on the Gerbil wheel of hope.
I think that all of us want to know "numbers" and to take hope in other's experiences.
I have 3 friends with Geason 4+3 who have had undetectable PSA 90 days postop, and hope that is the result for you.

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We are very similar in stats and medical treatments.. I am 68years may I ask your age and what your urologist and radiologist thoughts on the lower PSA with high stg Gleason..


My PSA was 11.6 in March of 2021 right before I my prostate was removed RRP.
Post surgery May 2021 PSA was 0.37. July 2021 PSA. 0.56. September 2021 PSA 0.69. Then 7 weeks of salvage radiation. Post salvage radiation Dec. 2021 PSA had risen to 1.29. PSA continued to rise throughout 2022. Nov. 2022 PSA was 6.56. Dec 2022 PET/CT scan found the cancer had metastasized to a lymph node near my upper right lung. Feb. 10 2023 PSA 10.63. March 02 2023 PSA 12.12.
I did change medical groups during treatment. I sought out a Urological Oncologist.
All those numbers sound pretty scary, but my reality is I feel well. And I have been able to handle all the side effects of treatment well. Yesterday I spent the day at Robert H Luri Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University preparing for a clinical trial of a new prostate cancer treatment. I will also get radiation to the lymph node.
All the numbers can be stressful especially when waiting to see your Doctor. I guess my advise would be to focus on the things that make you happy not things that we can't control. Try to eat the most healthy foods you can. Try to get regular exercise. And surround yourself with people you love.
Life can still be good even when dealing with cancer.
I wish you all the best. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question.

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One month on Xtandi PSA from 9.8 to 4.0 and going down


We are very similar in stats and medical treatments.. I am 68years may I ask your age and what your urologist and radiologist thoughts on the lower PSA with high stg Gleason..

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Age 72 (73 this Month)
Really, no discussion of PSA after April 2022 prostate MRI & PSA test.
MRI suspicious for cancer led to July Biopsy, which revealed Geason 8s and a 9.
Then radical prostatectomy Aug 2022.
90 day postop Nov PSA 0.19.
Leading to Radiation Oncologist in Dec and radiation and hormone txs.


Hammer101: Best wishes for good PSA news next week.
My last preop PSA was taken 4 mos before surgery and was 7.5 (up from 5.9 & 5.7 prior year, so undoubtedly higher at time of surgery in August 2022).
Postop path: Bad news; Gleason 9 (and 8s) and nonfocal Extraprostatic Extension (EPE).
Better news; clear surgical margins, 4 lymph nodes and seminal vesicules.
Was really hoping for, and anticipating, good PSA at 90 days; with recurrence sometime in the "future".
Disappointing reality; 90 day PSA 0.19 (30 day retest 0.18).
Now 3 weeks into 4 mos Orgovyx and scheduled to begin 38 radiation txs Match 10.
And again, on the Gerbil wheel of hope.
I think that all of us want to know "numbers" and to take hope in other's experiences.
I have 3 friends with Geason 4+3 who have had undetectable PSA 90 days postop, and hope that is the result for you.

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michaelcharles - Thanks for the reply and all of the information. You are exactly correct on my situation, I have been trying to understand the experiences of others to give myself an expectation for what is to come for me next week (1st 90-day PSA post radical prostatectomy). What I have come to understand - Every individual case is unique. Some match my situation exactly and others are worse/better. However, BCR does not seem to follow any predefined guidelines. At this point, I am accumulating all of the information I have learned so that I can have an informed discussion with my doctor, regardless of PSA level. This site has been invaluable for me in learning about prostate cancer, hearing about others' journeys, and developing a plan going forward.
Praying for your Orgovyx and radiation treatments to go well and the prostate cancer to be eliminated!!!


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