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I certainly would Not rush to get a total knee replacement TKR.
I feel doctors are anxious to do surgery. If you are able to get around without a wheelchair, I would certainly give it more time …
I had one in Nov 2023…. It has been very challenging, I am 65 and 120 pounds, good shape…. I am healing but it is a very slow process,
A tough challenge , mentally and physically!!!!!!
Don’t rush your thinking process!!!

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Replies to "I certainly would Not rush to get a total knee replacement TKR. I feel doctors are..."

I whole heartedly agree with you. Had a surgeon rush me into knee surgery, partial because it was less invasive. But the problem was that partial knee surgery has a high failure rate, which he didn't tell me. The first time the nurses got me up my leg went crooked, out of line, from the knee down AND they still made me walk on it telling me nothing was wrong!!! You can't tell me that when the leg goes out of like that that there are not longer term problems.

Four months later I had a TKR and lg is still not right. That was in early 2021. It was strange because when the doc had me walk after first surgery he said I would get my range of motion back. When I said that to my hubby in front of him he said NOTHING. Due to COVID and other matters he did the second surgery and basically could care less about the leg. All he was interested in was trying to push me into having a TKR on the other knee.

Went to another surgeon, very well respected but a distance away. He flat out said that the partial, and other things, should not have been done to me due to the high failure rate! He also was concerned about the hospital nurses making me walk on the out of alignment leg after the 1st surgery. Very rarely will a doctor say something like that about another doctor. H helped me with care and therapy to get back what range of motion I have.

Re the other knee....he said no one should tell you when to have surgery. He has been giving me coritson shots and therapy which has helped that knee/leg alot.