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I'm getting ready to have my simulation planning session on Monday for my radiation. TNBC BRCA2+ and had bilateral this past Nov (2022). Small spot detected in 1 lymph node pathology so it was decided radiation would be wise. I was told it would be either 1 week (a high dosage) or 3 weeks (lower dosage) but that would be determined after simulation planning analysis was complete. I weathered chemo really well so I'm hoping I do the same with radiation. I too want to continue to work - fortunately I still work from home and my boss is very understanding as I keep him abreast of how my treatment is going and how I'm feeling and when I need to take time off for appointments. I'm nervous about radiation and the side effects short and long term. Reading all these threads about everyone's experience has been very helpful.

Thank you everyone for your experience - I know mine will be unique to me; but it's good to hear from many that they weathered the process well - even if in the short term there was an issue that was eventually resolved. Again thank you.

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Replies to "I'm getting ready to have my simulation planning session on Monday for my radiation. TNBC BRCA2+..."

I also have my planning session on Monday (3/6) so Good luck to us both!

Last year I had a bilateral mastectomy and sentinel dissection (stage3).
After I had 5 weeks 25 rounds of radiation.
I set my appt to 7:00 am came back to my hotel and worked everyday. I never missed a day of work (kept my
Mind focused).

I napped during lunch and after work I slept from 7:00 pm to 5 am.

I went through radiation well. Discolored skin, but that has healed with some darkness. I am cancer clear and have full energy and full life!!
Cleaning lady was key at my home - extra cost but did all the heavy stuff.
Support from family and work keeps you motivated.
You will “rock this!”
Fatigue was two weeks after radiation - but pushed through it with lots of 20 minute power naps.