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Do you have any new information from your doctors? Did you have a video conference?

Would you reach out to your psychologist to talk? Remember, you're not alone. You probably need a face to face discussion to help you cope. You are welcome here too, but a therapist in person can help so much more.

Right now you don't have information, so try not to worry about what you don't know. I know that is easier said than done. Just take it day by day and think about those kids. If you can think about gratitude for people or things you love, it helps push the fear away. That was part of my game plan too, and I made a point of thanking my surgeon before I went into spine surgery. I know you are waiting for an appointment, but you could think about the new surgeon and be grateful that you will be seeing him in a couple weeks. You could celebrate each day as a count down to that appointment. I used to look at a photo of my surgeon and say good morning everyday. That may sound silly, but anything that puts a smile on your face can help.

You might like this discussion about facing fear.


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Replies to "@ab6540183 Alfred, Do you have any new information from your doctors? Did you have a video..."

Than you Jennifer.

Yesterday I had a zoom appointment with the pain management specialist where I explained all my issues which were unanswered. His only solution was to increase the meds which are currently not helping a lot after the latest osteopath neck adjustment that made me a lot worse. I don't know if he has stretched the nerves or even made the existing bulging worse. All I know that I had pain before but no as bad as to what I have now after his adjustment. I can only see the psychologist one a month because he is very booked out.
I felt the pain management sounded fedup listening to me because I always complain about increased pain. With pain it is hard to tell whether it is nerve, muscle, tendon or ligament pain.

I am waiting eagerly for the 22 of March to see what the new neurosurgeon has to say about my conditions.

I desperately need a solution because it is too hard to live like this.