Oncotype DX test result

Posted by rida @rida, Feb 14, 2023

I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 1 in Oct'22. No lymph nodes involved.I had skin sparing mastectomy on 4th Jan'23 and my block was sent for Oncotype DX.The result came and my score is 13 and recurrence chance is 4% in next nine years.I haven't been through any chemo and radiation.My Dr has advised Tamoxifen for the first month and later AI with lucrin injection on every 3rd month as I have history of endometriosis with 4 open surgeries (myomectomies). I want to know anyone who has experienced recurrence with this low score? What are the side effects of Tamoxifen and AI? What things I should be really concerned about?

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Understood. You felt the lump right after the surgery. Correct? How many days after?

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No, I felt the lump after the incision had healed. Surgery had been in Sept. 2017. I brought it to the attention of my medical oncologist during my 6-month follow-up in March 2018. Really thought it was scar tissue. Made an appt to recheck it 6 weeks later. It had grown. Biopsy was done. Lumpectomy was June 4, 2019. Also had a PET scan to see if cancer had spread anywhere else. Thyroid “lit up”. Biopsy confirmed cancer, but totally unrelated. Thyroid was removed June 6, two days after lumpectomy.


I had a mastectomy the first time. The 2% risk was from Oncotyoe Dx. Anastrozole was prescribed and I took it with few side effects. Nine months later I felt a small lump at end of incision. Thought it was scar tissue but biopsy confirmed cancer. Had lumpectomy and then surgeon said to do chemo and radiation, no questions asked.

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With that low score of 2%, sounds like they left some cancer in there.. it was the same cancer.


I had an oncotype 12 in 2014 when I was 38 and had a recurrence in December 2022. After my lumpectomy in 2014, I had radiation and had been on tamoxifen since.

The recurrence was in the same breast, and had the same exact oncotype of 12. This time I had a mastectomy and just began ovarian suppression, and will start AI shortly.


Not sure if my comment below was in the right spot!

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