Hi Jennifer,
thanks again for your advice.
Two weeks ago I was managing my pain ok, then I did acupuncture and osteo thinking that this would be good for me.
After this, I started feeling a massive stab that I never experienced before under the C7 vertebra to left. I do not know what brought this on. Feels like nerve pain due to something pressing on it.
Last night I was under the effect of Targin, Amitriptyline, Pregabalin, Clonidine, Baclofen but I could feel the burning and the numbness in the neck, upper thoracic, lumbar, legs, feet, toes, traps, shoulders, scapula, arms, hands and fingers. My arms are weaker than before.
I am feeling as if my nerves are deteriorating and don't know why my doctors haven't advised doing electromyography to check the nerves.
I get referred pain in my left chest muscle, the pain increases my blood pressure. Also feeling throbbing in my right shoulder on and off.
Today while I was standing in the bathroom and could feel the left lower back very tight causing me muscle pain.
I already cancelled C6 nerve root injection last week because I can't get relief from the drugs.
It is really deep inside. If it is an impingement I suppose that it has to be removed surgically.
I did buy the Aspen collar as recommended. When I wear it, it sort of presses in the back of the neck where the sore spots are located, causing me pain from time to time.
My neck is so inflamed that even a gentle touch can cause pain.
I do have a psychologist that has been working with me, but his sessions aren't frequent enough.
Bye for now.
Hi Alfred,
I have been reading your posts and I’m just wondering has anyone checked you for an auto immune disease? As this nerve pain is so widespread it just seems as though they are missing something. I know how upsetting and frustrating it is to be in this much pain and not have any answers.