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Keep up the great work with preparing meals for 2, but add extra food for yourself. I have trail mix that's loaded with nuts and dried fruits that I keep handy in Tupperware in the house and in my car. That's better than the chips/snacks/cookies that most people grab. I add some chocolate chunks (from the baking aisle) to make it even better. Another go-to snack is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I also eat Kind bars, bananas, grapes for "better" snacks. I weigh myself every morning to make sure I am at my target weight. If I drop a pound or two, I know I need to eat extra that day.

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Replies to "Keep up the great work with preparing meals for 2, but add extra food for yourself...."

Thanks for your comments. Breakfast is generally after some exercise and consists of a bottle of Boost, coffee, a Mandrin orange. Later maybe cold cereal, oatmeal or yogurt. Lunch is a PBJ or other light sandwich and orange with 16 oz of orange Metamucil. Sometimes sun chips. Sometimes no lunch. For evening meal could be chicken, fish, BBQ, Stauffer baked chicken dish or pizza. Drink is green tea with honey. No desserts as I swore off all sugars since last November. Sometimes I will make popcorn for an evening treat. Now for my other half I have added cookies, cake, pie, ice cream, etc. Try to add a Chef's salad from time to time. Also taking supplements plus hemp oil. Only big issues are rest and stress. Great communicating with you.