← Return to Excruciating chronic left side neck pain plus lumbar issues

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I had a neck fusion and started getting severe tightness and pain that was awful, for years I begged my son to rub me and I went to professional massage, acupuncture, even bought a heated massage water bed, doctors was prescribe pain meds for 10 years, but my new doctor found out that I was allergic to the Statin, after I cut way back on the dose, my neck and shoulders relaxed
and that’s a common side effect of Statins I don’t know but maybe some of your meds could cause your ongoing pain, if it worsens you should be seen 3 months isn’t very long. Are you sure your fully fused? I ask because I also had broken finger fused almost a year ago and it is just now really feeling stronger . Fusions take time, L5_S1 fusion 2005 no back pain but now I’m feeling like I want the hardware out because it seems like it’s putting pressure on my nerves. It does take time to heal.

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Replies to "I had a neck fusion and started getting severe tightness and pain that was awful, for..."

I so appreciate your post. I’m 4 months post op from a 3 level ACDF fusion. Was doing very well & at 8 weeks was thrown into a bad flare from overly aggressive physical therapy twice weekly for a month. Went through 2 rounds of steroid packs & a round of muscle relaxers that truly helped. Flexion X-rays & MRI shows everything looks great & my Neurosurgeon states it’s a combination of muscle spasms & potentially nerve regeneration feeling. It’s getting better daily, and the healing process is far from linear. But - I’m so much better off than I was prior to surgery. The nerves are free of damage & all stenosis and bone spurs were cleared. It’s truly a major surgery & your body has to adjust to the new conditions and biomechanics placed on the neck. I switched PT’s and what a difference. I’m in your age group and I was reminded by the medical team - all movements and treatments must be gentle. I will never allow anyone to tell me this will hurt while healing & continue to pressure my body to do more.
I’ve also been referred to pain management for Botox treatment in the spasms as you can see them in my trapezius region. I’ve heard very good things about this procedure. I wish you the very best and send you healing thoughts and prayers. There truly is light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you for responding. It gives me hope. I just went to a massage therapist and will try acupuncture next. This is just so frustrating. They told me I would be off work for 3 weeks and now it's been 3 months. Also if I can't get the pain under control I might have to retire which will be early retirement and really reduce my retirement. I only had 3 years left. Had I known I would be in worse pain I would have put off the surgery or not had it at all because I could at least manage before. THank you for the ideas.