Metastic prostate Cancer Survivors - longevity and quality of life

Posted by ringmastr1 @ringmastr1, Feb 26, 2023

I was just diagnosed at the beginning of January and of course the news hit me hard. I have found a lot of hope in the discussions within this group. I am curious to know how long ago people in this group were diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and what your quality of life is like. Right now I have no symptoms from the cancer itself other than weight loss (which I am actively monitoring and dealing with via extra eating) and I have no side effects from the medications the doctors are prescribing. I know that I am at the beginning of this journey and I hope that my current status stays the way it is for many years. We all need to have hope, and I am learning a lot about traditional and new Treatment options.

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Following. Gleason 9 Radical Prostatectomy contained. BCR 90days. Radiation completed 39tx and currently Eligard 1-2 years? It’s out so far PMSA PET clear.. only current symptom extreme weight loss.. remaining hopeful


How's your appetite? Mine is still quite normal. I eat more, not because I'm hungry, but just to maintain weight. I keep containers of trail mix handy for regular healthy snacking. I also slip in two small meals before and after lunch


Diagnosed June 2022, age 47, so far so good no symptoms, therapy: ADT + Eligard Injection + Docetaxel Chemotherapy (already completed the 6 treatments in January 23


Did you get prostate removed and how

What was chemo like and why only 6


I had Bracytherapy and 26 sessions of radiation 13 years ago. 18 months ago psa started rising and was 20.8 this past Nov. Since then have had 3 PSMA PET scans and a prostate biopsy. Prostste cancer recurred at stage 4 and metastasized on ribs 7 and 9. November I started daoly fose og Casodex. In January received shot of Eligard and meds changed to Xtandi. Psa taken end of Januarywas 0.4. Both meds have basically taken the winds out my sails and feel tired and am loosing weight. Been staying off sugars, taking Boost, Pedeolyte, Metamucil, and eating lots of Mandrin Oranges and veggies. Been keeping very active, as my other half has lost her short term memory and I am her caregiver . Plus do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, finances, and you name it. We also have 3 cats and a dog. I am up every day at 7 and can't get to bed until 11. This is a 24/7 routine. Haven't had hot flashes yet, but fell like I am running on 6 of 8. Is all of this normal and should I be looking for more surprises. My next go around with the Oncologist/Urologist is in May. Would appreciate and comments, suggestions or advice. Many thanks.


The diagnosis is hard to hear but medicine has come a long way. I was diagnosed over 8 years ago with stage 4 cancer. I am treated at Mayo Rochester and they always seem to have something new. I have had my prostate removed, 7 weeks of radiation, 5 weeks of radiation, SBRT 2 different times. I have been on Casodex then Lupron/Eligard since the beginning. I have taken Zytiga for over 2 years and when it quit working I started doing chemo treatments. After each treatment I live my life and hope for the best. This is my new normal but I don’t let cancer stop me. Everyone is given trials in life and this is mine. I don’t give up.


Did you get prostate removed and how

What was chemo like and why only 6

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No prostate removal (at least yet), going to clinical study SWOG 1802, which is trying to Prove if for metastatic PC, is it better to treat / remove Prostate or not.

Chemo 6 rounds is the standard for DOCETAXEL. no major side effect during chemo period, all good now, key is to remain hormone sensitive for as many years as possible.



Life post cancer is usually not as good as life before cancer. That being said, I had 13 months of ADT and Erleada and a RP in the 6 th month, and in hindsight, the ADT and Erleada were manageable and the RP was unpleasant but for a short time.

In my earlier years I managed bigger life problems (army during Viet Nam and child with a drug problem and more) and I handled them. With a good mind set you and I can manage prostate cancer. Fear of the future of one’s health or one’s life can screw up the present and the fear must be successfully handled. I am working on this and chatting with the guys here has helped me.


No prostate removal (at least yet), going to clinical study SWOG 1802, which is trying to Prove if for metastatic PC, is it better to treat / remove Prostate or not.

Chemo 6 rounds is the standard for DOCETAXEL. no major side effect during chemo period, all good now, key is to remain hormone sensitive for as many years as possible.


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I had mine radiated 2018 march then on zolodex It met in 2018 to L2 lumbar which we had nuked Back on zolodex for 2 years Just now sensitive moved from resistive On Xtandi now 2 mos


Life post cancer is usually not as good as life before cancer. That being said, I had 13 months of ADT and Erleada and a RP in the 6 th month, and in hindsight, the ADT and Erleada were manageable and the RP was unpleasant but for a short time.

In my earlier years I managed bigger life problems (army during Viet Nam and child with a drug problem and more) and I handled them. With a good mind set you and I can manage prostate cancer. Fear of the future of one’s health or one’s life can screw up the present and the fear must be successfully handled. I am working on this and chatting with the guys here has helped me.

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What is your current age?

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