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Anyone have long term recovery?

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Mar 8, 2023 | Replies (31)

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Yes, I am one year out from being at my absolute worst and I am 90% back to normal. I've been working (nearly) full time since November. You MUST supplement heavily, and normal doctors (and specialists) do not have the information that you need. I'm not trying to be inflammatory, it's just the truth. Many people have recovered from long haul Covid and IT IS possible, but it often takes doing your own research, trial and error for what works for you.

What's interesting for me is that I have to continue heavily supplementing to keep my functioning at this level. For me, it was B-3 (niacinamide, non-flushing) that was the most helpful, along with several amino acids (taurine, choline, tryptophan), NAC, glutathione, and an anti-inflammatory, low histamine diet. But I am still spending $100+ on supplements every month or two, and whenever I finish a bottle and think I can go without them, I feel the difference in my body within a few weeks. So I continue with what works, and I am very cautious about not overextending myself in any way (mentally, emotionally or physically).

I wish you ALL the very best. There ARE answers out there. The Facebook long haul Covid group is an excellent resource. Don't let anyone tell you there aren't answers.

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Replies to "Yes, I am one year out from being at my absolute worst and I am 90%..."

Can you recommend the supplements you take?

Who did you see to discover which supplements you needed? Integrative adr?