I agree with Freitag. But way back when I had mine done you would have thought that the sky was falling. I worked myself up into such a dither no one could talk to me.
Here is a youtube for you to see how they might be done.
First of all, this is a very necessary step for some patients in order to determine the type of cancer, the stage, etc. You are put on a gurney-type table and positioned so that the technicians have the best angle to get the best samples that they can. Then you will have a bit of a sting when they numb the area. You will also be given (unless you refuse) a light sedative that will have you either not caring about one darn thing in the entire world or you might doze off. Then you'll come to or get off the table and think that you were the biggest sissy in the world. Make sure that you wear a sweatshirt that has a hoodie so you can hide! 🙂 Only kidding, but you will feel like what was that all about, did I really panic over that? Now, this is the technical part of it.
The emotional part plays a huge factor in your fear factor. You have learned that you have lung cancer so you know that your world has changed and will for your entire journey. You are frightened at what this might mean to you and your family. There are just so many emotional factors involved that it depends really on the type of person you are and how you handle badness in your past. But remember, no one likes to feel out of control, and before your biopsy, there are many factors that you don't know yet. When you get the information you need to make intelligent informed decisions it makes you feel more in the know, more in control, and better at coping.
NO ONE ever said," oh good. I can't wait to have chemo!' Or any such thing. No one looks forward to it. Any and all decisions about your treatments are ultimately your decisions. Just remember that there are medications to help with side effects. There is no getting around the fact that lung cancer treatments can be tough. I've had 2 lobectomies, chemo, and three radiations over a span of 25 years. I am presently healing from pneumonitis as a result of radiation. But I can't wait to get better and all the zappings have taught me to be patient and give the treatment time to work.
When you get back from Spain I'll walk you through this. We all have wide shoulders and you can use them for anything at any time. All of my mentor friends are here too. You won't be alone and we will answer your questions and talk with you as much as you need.
I love Spain. What part will you be visiting>I was on the coast up north in Vigo. Have you been before?
This particular hospital in the video doesn't give sedation. But many do and if you have a concern ask your doctor prior to your trip.
Here is another form Mayo