Tight IT band after TKR: Does this tightness go away?

Posted by brescher @brescher, Feb 25, 2023

Has any experienced a very tight feeling on the outside of knee after knee replacement.
They are saying it is the IT BAND.
Does this tightness go away?

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Mine did go away and I'm at 5 months....however stretching it for me really helped. If you are still in PT ask them what you can do to stretch the IT band. One thing I did was lay on my back (in bed) and put your leg straight up in the air, then lower it across the other leg until you feel a tug. That was one that helped my hip and IT band. I found this one on google. My PT stopped at 3 months because they said I really just needed to keep doing strength exercises and they couldn't justify keeping me. The more we sit causes the IT band to shorten up and stretching it several times a day definitely helped me.


Mine did go away and I'm at 5 months....however stretching it for me really helped. If you are still in PT ask them what you can do to stretch the IT band. One thing I did was lay on my back (in bed) and put your leg straight up in the air, then lower it across the other leg until you feel a tug. That was one that helped my hip and IT band. I found this one on google. My PT stopped at 3 months because they said I really just needed to keep doing strength exercises and they couldn't justify keeping me. The more we sit causes the IT band to shorten up and stretching it several times a day definitely helped me.

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Thank you for sharing your experience and what may help for me! This has just been a very challenging experience!!
Thankfully my other knee is InGood shape!!


Good evening @bresher,
Here is the description from Mayo Clinic for the Iliotibial band syndrome.
"This occurs when the tough band of tissue that extends from the outside of your hip to the outside of your knee (iliotibial band) becomes so tight that it rubs against the outer portion of your thighbone. Distance runners and cyclists are especially susceptible to iliotibial band syndrome."

Actually, I just had an episode of IT band a few weeks ago. My MFR (myofascial release therapist) discovered it when I complained about some discomfort in that area. Using the MFR technique to release the restricted area of fascia interference was her solution and it worked. It took about 30 minutes and I was able to get up and walk out the door without discomfort.

I also think that doing Yoga stretches is helpful to prevent it from happening again. My favorite is "legs up the wall". I make sure everything is working properly by doing some "sit and stands" hopefully without collapsing. Everyone seems to have different muscle tones in that area based upon their commitment to exercising and their past history of athletic endeavors.

How long ago did you have your TKR? Are you working with PT or other advisors during your recovery?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


I do this simple stretch few times a day helps a lot … there is so much you can do …. But when mine was full blown pain I had to do mfr twice a week and chiropractor once a week now that it is under control I do exercises to keep it stretched out…


I do this simple stretch few times a day helps a lot … there is so much you can do …. But when mine was full blown pain I had to do mfr twice a week and chiropractor once a week now that it is under control I do exercises to keep it stretched out…

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Thank you for your response, I will add those to my stretching and therapy routine…
I hope in a few months that I will start getting relief !!


Good evening @bresher,
Here is the description from Mayo Clinic for the Iliotibial band syndrome.
"This occurs when the tough band of tissue that extends from the outside of your hip to the outside of your knee (iliotibial band) becomes so tight that it rubs against the outer portion of your thighbone. Distance runners and cyclists are especially susceptible to iliotibial band syndrome."

Actually, I just had an episode of IT band a few weeks ago. My MFR (myofascial release therapist) discovered it when I complained about some discomfort in that area. Using the MFR technique to release the restricted area of fascia interference was her solution and it worked. It took about 30 minutes and I was able to get up and walk out the door without discomfort.

I also think that doing Yoga stretches is helpful to prevent it from happening again. My favorite is "legs up the wall". I make sure everything is working properly by doing some "sit and stands" hopefully without collapsing. Everyone seems to have different muscle tones in that area based upon their commitment to exercising and their past history of athletic endeavors.

How long ago did you have your TKR? Are you working with PT or other advisors during your recovery?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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I had my TKR November 30 2022….
Have very good motion but the pain on the outside of knee area is excruciating…. Dr says it is the IT BAND. still in therapy plus trying dry needling…
Trying to stay hopeful


I had my TKR November 30 2022….
Have very good motion but the pain on the outside of knee area is excruciating…. Dr says it is the IT BAND. still in therapy plus trying dry needling…
Trying to stay hopeful

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@brescher, I hope that your doctor's recommendations provide you with pain relief with your knee. Please let me know. I care!


Had my RH TKR on 27 Mar 23 and struggling with IT band. Going down stairs, putting on sock and driving more than 15 min sets it off. Been doing stretches, bike riding but so far no improvement. Thanks for sharing your story and I hope you have finally recovered


Mine did go away and I'm at 5 months....however stretching it for me really helped. If you are still in PT ask them what you can do to stretch the IT band. One thing I did was lay on my back (in bed) and put your leg straight up in the air, then lower it across the other leg until you feel a tug. That was one that helped my hip and IT band. I found this one on google. My PT stopped at 3 months because they said I really just needed to keep doing strength exercises and they couldn't justify keeping me. The more we sit causes the IT band to shorten up and stretching it several times a day definitely helped me.

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Good stuff. And yeah the ITB can definitely be stretched, and should be. I stand straight, cross one foot over the other, and with knees locked, bend at the waist as far as I can. It stretches the ITB on the leg of the crossed foot. I hold for a while, then switch feet.

Careful with this as it can cause dizziness. If it does, find other stretches like the one Cindy suggests, or google it.


The recommended exercises people have posted look excellent. Thank you for that. Awaiting surgery on 2nd knee and I expect I will have “opportunity” to use them. I had some IT Band issues with first after a few weeks into the surgery. It doesn’t seem mine were as bad as some people on here describe but the pulling sensation was certainly uncomfortable. I went to massage therapy and that really helped so I started doing massage on it myself. I’m 5 mos in now (still experiencing healing so it all takes time) and it still surfaces occasionally so I massage at least 1x a day as preventative.

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