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I just found a good primary as well!! This rheumatologist takes difficult cases. My old rheumatologist scrolled through my medical issues, said she had never seen someone with so many issues and proceeded to walk out on me and they wouldn't provide another doc in the same group. I also have a lot of medical issues. Breast cancer survivor. Thyroid cancer survivor. Chronic leukemia for life. Burst bowel and lost my sigmoid colon -colostomy, resection and hernia surgery. Stroke. Etc etc etc life goes on right? Some people give up. Some peoples bodies don't let them give up. I'm in the latter group although my 4 yr old grandson has helped, and my mother just passed in September and I don't get along with my sisters! I had to drop all communication with one because she was so verbally abusing me it almost brought on another stroke! ❤️❤️😊

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Replies to "I just found a good primary as well!! This rheumatologist takes difficult cases. My old rheumatologist..."

oh wow. well im glad you as well found a good primary. but your rheum walking out on you.. that is awful. i can really identify with you though. everything went down for me though after my second vax. gi issues started shortly after that. galbladder out in janury 2022. endoscope last june saying linear endrocine cell hyperplasia with possibilty of autoimmune gastritis. then gi ghosted me took eigh months to get antibody bloodword unfortuentley supporting autoimmune gastritis going on 5th gi hoping to have endoscope repeated. Also dealing with possible sjorgens, joint pain, silent reflux, hashimotos. wow my sister, same she cut me out 2 1/2 yrs ago but she is a very snobby, judgemental person. my brother, mom and dad all have passed. i only have my husband and my adult autistic son. alot of stress so im trying to stay as stress free as possible!!!!