7Cs of Health and Wellness = Connection, Communication, Compassion, Community, Creativity, Caring

Posted by CancerDoc @cancerdoc, Jan 18, 2012

7Cs of Health and Wellness = Connection, Communication, Compassion, Community, Creativity, Caring & Collaboration!

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I will have to rememer this....very inspiring, I hope all docs follow this principle.


These are so true, and unfortunately, so very difficult to find in the Medical Community if you are a patient with complicated issues, mine include physical illness and mental illness, and while I find understanding of a sort for the physical many physicians do not understand the need to connect and communicate with me in a way that is appropriate for someone with severe PTSD. I have tried to reach out and teach about the issues I deal with but find that few docs will listen, and I need the We of Wellness if i am to know a life that is more like that which others lead. I am blessed to have a wonderful physician in the Work Comp division of Mayo in Jacksonville who has all the above in great degree. I also have a wonderful Psychiatrist and therapist who both work with me in dealing with the complications of my life. Your words of wisdom need to be put on the back of the hands of the residents who treat patients so that they will learn just how best to work with a person who is, usually for no reason of their own, ill and in the hospital. Thanks for your encouraging words.

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